I'm not sure if I believe the time honored belief that bass some how determine what it eats by how much energy it is going to use up catching it's food. Small bass chase around everywhere trying to steel food from each other, when there is plenty of food to catch, and still manage to get bigger. Bass can waste lots of energy being territorial, and not loose weight. A released bass doesn't have to go out and eat something right away after a hard fight.
I believe big bass simply are not hungry as often as small bass. Large bass are skilled hunters. They have more experience hunting and can eat much larger and varied prey. A good hunter does not take very long to kill it's prey so therefore does not spend much time hunting. A full hunter is lazy, weather it is a bass a lion, or person. When I am hungry, I will do whatever is necessary to get something to eat. That may mean drive miles to the store, or thaw, cut, and cook a piece of meat no matter how much work it is. If I am stuffed with turkey dinner, and sitting on the couch, the only food I may want is a piece of candy, that is easily within reach.
Big bass are the same. When they are hungry, they will chase down their food and get it regardless of how much energy it takes. When full all they want to do is laze around, maybe eating a snack if it swims to close to resist. I not sure if they consider how much energy it will take.
The problem for fishermen is it is less likely to be in the right place at the right time with a big fish, because they are full more than they are hungry. A small fish is constantly looking for food, because they are not as skilled at catching their food as their bigger parents. I have witnessed big bass chase ridiculously small bait, working way to hard to catch a small meal. Why? because they were hungry. I have seen big bass go on a feeding spree, and stuff themselves, more than I ever have at Thanksgiving, and I assume experience a similar food coma. I have also watched big bass let prey swim right by, because they were full. They didn't have to consider how many calories the prey would produce or how many calories it would take to catch, they simply weren't hungry.
In order to catch a big bass you have to be fishing where big bass live. You have to present your lure in a way it appears to be a piece of candy to a couch potato, be lucky enough to throw your lure when they are hungry and really looking for a meal, or trigger territorial instincts. All three will work at times, and a good fisherman can determine which one to use. Because big bass are sitting on the couch more often than cooking dinner, more big bass are caught by presenting slow baits right in front of their nose
Of course if a big bass could read this she would probably say I'm in completely full of BS. and should spend more time fishing and less time in front of a computer.