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king fisher

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Everything posted by king fisher

  1. Dough Hannon also wrote an article in the late 70's stating that bass were repelled by the color yellow, and attracted to the color green. Of course I believed him. After all he was the bass professor. It didn't matter that my PB was caught on a yellow lure. I quit using yellow after reading the article. I told my friend I fished with he shouldn't throw his favorite yellow spinnerbait because the bass professor had done extensive studies proving bass didn't like yellow. My friend just kept catching fish with his yellow lure, while I remained skunked. Every time he caught another bass he would tell the bass to read more about fish and quite biting lures he wasn't supposed to bite. He said Hannon could fish with him any time. Even to this day when picking out chartreuse lures I try to get ones with more green than yellow in them. I simply can't get that article completely out of my mind. I'm not saying that Dough Hannon wasn't one of the most knowledgeable bass fisherman ever, or that I know even a fraction of what he learned. I am saying, I wouldn't believe everything he said. My biggest bass have come at all times of day, and all moon cycles, and my friend still catches bass on yellow lures.
  2. I can't. I don't have a scale big enough.
  3. Chapala Jalisco Mexico. Largest natural lake in Mexico. Large community of retired US and Canadian citizens. Mild year around climate. Bass recently introduced rapidly increasing in size and numbers. Last time I fished there, best 5 were 31 pounds and as far as I know I was the only one sport fishing the lake that day. Another plus is 5 other smaller basically unknown lakes with DD bass within driving distance from Chapala.
  4. Not as many as I would like, but once in awhile a few more than I deserve.
  5. Is this legal?
  6. This is it for me.
  7. That logic wont fly at my house. The next question my wife would ask. Can she throw all of her make up in to the lake then go buy all new because she lost it? She would also point out that she doesn't have a huge box of make up that she doesn't use but keeps for sentimental purposes. Might also mention. People compliment her on the way she looks made up. They only laugh at me and my fishing gear. I don't even keep the fish to eat, what difference can a new rod an reel make. I once told her at least I don't have a gambling problem. She informed me talking like that was a big gamble.
  8. I am the worlds worst at taking something that is working, then trying to do some preventive maintenance on it, and making it not work. Only then do I remember my Uncles advice, if it aint broke don't fix it.
  9. Yesterday, I was disappointed in every color.
  10. June bug for plastics. Black and Blue for jigs and spinnerbaits. Please don't ask me why, because I have no clue.
  11. DuPont spinner will work, but check your fish and game regulations to make sure it is legal, before using this lure of desperation.
  12. You might give a #3 inline spinner a try. Inline spinners often go well together and only takes a few cats to determine if they are going to work.
  13. I try to put what is practical for a small human power boat and pack my kayak accordingly. Problem is the Bait Monkey has the opinion I'm fishing out of a Yacht.
  14. Don't forget Old Man and the Sea. Unbelievable footage of a marlin fight, considering the technology when it was filmed.
  15. It has been many years since I last hunted predators, but I used to carry a predator call, and mouse squeaker in my pocket at all times while hunting and trapping. I have successfully called in and harvested. Coyotes Wolves, lynx, fox, bear I hope to be able to trap and call predator's again someday when I retire, maybe spend one more winter in the Alaskan Bush. Problem is I don't think I will be able to talk my wife in to an Alaska winter. My home state of WA might be an easier sell, but trapping is illegal there. Plenty of coyotes to call in, so that might be my best bet.
  16. One of the few lures I had the in summer of 1977. It was my first crankbait. They were a popular company at the time. Living in the Northwest there wasn't many bass lures in tack shops, only trout and salmon lures. One shop in Spokane carried the Aquasonic brand, so I bought the only crankbait they had. They had a whole line of lures, with holes running through them to produce fish attracting sounds. I don't think the sound helped, but this particular one had a wide wobble the bass liked. I landed my first bass over 5 lbs on one. I found this one on a lot on Ebay one day and bought it even though the other lures in the lot were rusted and worthless. Proving the Bait Monkey is also a collector of old junk.
  17. It has definitely changed the way I fish. I used to be able to relax and have fun while fishing. Now I have the Bait Monkey screaming in my ear all day while I'm on the water. He constantly tells me I should have Live Imaging, you would be landing your PB right now if you had the Live Imaging. The pros all have Live Imaging. You have ruined your fishing trip, because you are to cheap to buy live imaging. That last cast was completely blind, you would be casting right in front of a DD if you had bought Live Scope. Only a cave man goes fishing without the latest technology. Do you want to play with your rods, or catch fish with them? You might as well go home, all the other anglers caught all the fish because they have Live Imaging. Who cares what your wife thinks. She isn't the one getting skunked because you didn't mortgage the house and buy Live Imaging sonar. He never lets up. That is how live forward scanning sonar has changed my fishing. I'm going to go wade some creeks, just to get the Monkey to shut up. What's he going to say, they have a new transducer that attaches to wading boots?
  18. If your goal is to try it all, I wish you luck. Monkey is on your back and not going to let go. You should not have strayed from your Zebco 33 hooks and bobbers. Once you start down the bass tackle road, you are in for an expensive never ending journey.
  19. When I was young there were almost zero bow hunters in WA State. The season, and bag limits for bow hunters were ridiculously long and generous, because nobody bow hunted therefore bow hunting did not put any strain on the resource. As bow hunting grew in popularity, fish and game had to restrict the seasons and reduce bag limits to manage the resource properly. When the popularity of bow hunting sky rocketed, they had to limit the seasons almost as much as they did with fire arms. I new then the good old days were gone for good. The surprising thing was when I talked to other bow hunters all they would talk about was getting more people in to the sport so we would have more influence with fish and game, and the general public. I did understand the need for a bigger voice, but also had to wonder if the need for a bigger voice grew at the same rate as the bigger voice. Then there was always the big worry that the Anti Hunters were going to make the sport illegal, if we didn't get enough people to fight for the cause. The funny thing is there were not Anti bow hunters when it wasn't popular. I have to wonder if making a sport more popular eventually ruins the sport. I eventually moved to Alaska to live where the fish and game was plentiful, negating the need for extreme fish and game management. I soon learned that Alaska is huge, and the wilderness is rich in fish and game, but I also learned that the best fishing spots are crowded and the politics behind who gets to fish, and when they get to fish is as much of a mud pit as any state. Now I live in Mexico where the management is terrible. Many lakes bass are considered trash fish that prey on the preferred commercial fish ( tilapia) and people are encouraged to keep every bass they catch. Commercial gill nets are everywhere, and catch everything. Even if there were regulations made by competent biologists, no one would care, because either there wouldn't be any enforcement, or the people enforcing the rules would be easily bribed to look the other way. Because there are very few sport fisherman, sport fishing for bass is awesome. I'm not saying we don't need management, and that I don't like to see kids learn to fish and being a guide I have taught many people to fish. I don't have an answer for over crowded fisheries and would not want to see the sport die, from lack of political clout. That said, I do have to wonder if the OP has a legitimate reason to question the popular theory that the more fisherman there are means more access, better regulation, better management, and overall better fishing because of increased dollars, and political clout. Maybe a louder voice only necessitates and even louder voice, when keeping quite is the best option.
  20. I played little league, and caught the largest trout in an indoor pond, at a sportsman's show. Does that count? If not, my dog still thinks I'm the greatest at everything.
  21. A good argument can be made for both philosophies. Of course nothing is better than years of local knowledge, if that knowledge doesn't put binders on a fisherman. Without local knowledge, or memories a person is basically fishing a new lake every day. Where memories become a problem, is when they help limit a persons ability to find or recognize a pattern. I fish a lake where I have caught many nice bass in the back of a bay. I always fish that spot, even if the fish I am catching are on windy points. I just have to try a few casts there because I have had luck there in the past. I need to be more observant and figure out what conditions are when the fish are in that bay, and leave it alone if those conditions are not present. I fish the spot so much, I'm sure to catch some just because I put so much time in to the spot. If I didn't have those memories, I would be spending more time looking for more windy points on that day which I should have recognized as a pattern. Combining local knowledge with an observant open mind, and recognizing similarities in locations that are producing makes for more memories to be used as knowledge on another day.
  22. When I make a perfect cast, with a brand new, expensive lure I bought for that exact location, temp, wind, time of year, and moon cycle, and a bass doesn't show enough decent courtesy to even follow. Then my friend makes the same cast with his same old Chinese knock off lure he has had since high school, tied to 40 year old mono, on an old zebco 33 combo, and hooks the biggest bass in the lake. Even worse is when he asks if I want to borrow his rod, asks me if my expensive gear is just for show, or volunteers to give me fishing lessons. I tell him I already learned a lesson, and it is the same one I should have learned years ago, and that is not to take him fishing. Besides that my only other gripe, is an old one too. Santa bringing me clothes instead of fishing tackle every year. He could at least meet me half way and make the clothes camouflage
  23. It means somebody wanted to appear to be helpful by telling you a good fishing location. In reality they really didn't want to be helpful. Who ever it was should get involved in politics, if they are not already a politician.
  24. I admit buying tackle is an addiction with me. Am I going to quit? No, I'm not a quitter.
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