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king fisher

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Everything posted by king fisher

  1. Never let the truth get in the way of a good fish story.
  2. All I'm going to say is the lures arrive at my house by accident, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
  3. 13 Fishing are the only crankbaits at my local tackle store. I have way to many crankbaits, but have lost a few in the 8-12 diving range, and would like to replace them. I lately I have had success with Rapala, Spro, and 6th Sense, but getting baits to Mexico can be difficult. Most of the people I know that come here, don't check in a bag, and you can't carry on anything with hooks. My local tackle store has mostly saltwater tackle. The 13 fishing crankbaits look good, but I haven't tried any. With current exchange rate they are selling for around $12. Any one have experience with ones that dive in the 8-12 range? How do they compare to a DT 10?
  4. I have accidentally ordered tackle from time to time, I am lucky I have never accidentally returned any tackle.
  5. I hope it is not as bad as predicted. Everyone stay safe, best of luck.
  6. We used to call the color Rainbow, I'm not sure what the official name was, It was a very popular color for Salmon.
  7. Eventually you will want to try all of the different types of line. You may find one line you like for everything, but most likely you will prefer different lines for different applications. You might as well start at the beginning and spool up some 12 pound Big Game. It is a strong, forgiving, inexpensive line, that has worked for years. If you get a backlash that requires a pocket knife, then you can respool for far less than any of the more expensive lines.
  8. The exact amount of time it takes to discover there is water in your box.
  9. I use braid, braid to leader, mono, and fluorocarbon depending on the gear and technique being used. I would use fluorocarbon more often if I never backlashed, never snagged, it was more available in my area, or I was very wealthy. My problem with Fluorocarbon is if it gets kinked ( from not exercising patience while removing backlashes), or over stressed from pulling on snags it needs to be replaced. It is expensive to replace, so I take a gamble, roll the dice, and sometimes loose my shirt. Knots can be a problem with Fluorocarbon but as of today I believe I don't have a problem with Fluorocarbon knots. It does last far longer than mono if not abused, but I am rough on all my gear, so I only use Fluorocarbon for my T rig and Jig fishing. Fluorocarbon is also less visible than the other options, but for most of my bass fishing, visibility is not a consideration. I currently use 16 pound Sniper. Braid lasts for ever, does not stretch, and combined with different leaders can be used effectively in a variety of situations. Braids down side is because is has very little stretch it is very sensitive when fishing a tight line. The problem is when there is any slack in the line it has zero sensitivity. Many situations when I want a bait to fall naturally I am forced to give a slight amount of slack in the line. This is when the sensitivity advantage of braid is zero. Fluorocarbon is heavy, and sinks making detecting slack line bites possible even with a slight bow in the line. When I am fishing moving baits on a tight line, braid gives me great sensitivity, the problem is I don't need great sensitivity when fishing moving baits. Braid floats so is perfect for topwater, is very strong for it's diameter, making it perfect for punching or flipping heavy cover, and with a variety of leaders is extremely versatile. I currently use 30# or 40# Diawa J Braid. Mono is a compromise in most applications, but it can be used effectively in any situation. Slack line sensitivity is not as good as Fluorocarbon, but better than braid. It semi floats, so works well for top water, but not as well as braid, It does stretch making hook sets with bottom contact lures more difficult, but far from impossible, and the stretch makes it great for fishing crankbaits. Mono is slightly more visible than Fluorocarbon, but not enough to make a difference in most bass fishing scenarios. Mono is inexpensive, which is a big plus in my book. Mono may be a compromise, but there are many times in life when a good compromise is exactly what is needed. My favorite mono is Maxima Ultra Green, with Big Game a close second. This is my opinion on lines, and I'm sure others here will rightly disagree with me. I have to stress, this is my current opinion and I reserve my right to completely change my theory's at any time, without past posts being held against me. Weather I use Fluorocarbon or not depends completely on the current condition of my on again off again, love hate relationship with Fluorocarbon.
  10. I new I was getting old, while driving my car, I started to complain about the old geezer that was holding up traffic, but stopped when I realized the problem car was was mine.
  11. The big selling point is it is heavy for it's size. It is supposed to be excellent for hopping off of the bottom in deep water. The Tactical Bass Monkey has had one in my cart at Tackle Warehouse more than once, but then I realize I already own way more Bill Lewis Rattle traps than any sane person should have. They might not be ideal for bouncing off the bottom, but I have ,many other baits, that I can use to fish the bottom with. When check out time came, I have always removed the LV.
  12. Because they haven't discovered Glide Baits, or $35 spinnerbaits yet. My shoes are held together with duct tape, and my shotgun looks like it was on the loosing side of the Civil War, but my tackle collection is priceless and growing.
  13. This bait looks like it would be easy to copy. I have some old spinnerbaits, laying around, I might try to make my own.
  14. I have never heard of this bait, but the Monkey told me it is a magical bait, that catches giant bass when a spinnerbait, or chatterbait will not get bit. The $35 price tag keeps the Monkey in his corner for now. If they get the price below that of a Jackhammer, the Monkey will be solidly latched on to my back. Please do not post any pictures of bass over 10 pounds caught on this lure.
  15. I do every time I go fishing, but my white jig has a wire arm with two spinner blades rotating above the jig. It works every where I have fished, but I have never fished on the Tennessee River. I have tried a jig without the spinners and have had limited success. I plan on trying them more this fall.
  16. If I were to buy a 2 oz spinnerbait, I would need to buy a rod able to cast it, and if I bought a new rod, of course I would feel obligated to buy a new reel. If I buy a rod that can cast 2 oz, maybe I should buy a rod that casts 4 oz for the high end, and 2 oz for the low end. That way I would have a rod that could cast a 4 oz. glide bait. Large glide baits can cost well over $200 so really $35 for a spinnerbait isn't bad at all when I consider the cost of a new rod, reel, and a half dozen glide baits, maybe I should buy two.
  17. Just the opposite for me. Bass always hit my surface lure when I least expect them to. Out of shock I react jerking the bait away from the bass.
  18. You came to the right place for advise on spinnerbaits. TnRiver 46 is the site expert on spinnerbaits. I'm sure he will be able to tell you everything you could ever want to know about spinnerbaits. I recommend you buy four colors of spinnerbaits. White, Chartreuse white, black, and Chartreuse black. Blades I recommend singe Colorado, tandem willow, and tandem Indiana in silver and gold. 3/8 1/2 and 3/4 oz. Don't be afraid to try black in the day time. The bass don't know that black is only for night time. Fishing a black spinnerbait in the day time wont get you a fine from the bass police, but you may get a warning citation. Rip up the citation, and ask them to apologize when you catch your PB. I personally don't use trailers or trailer hooks, but you can get away with only two colors, black and white if you buy some chartreuse trailers. Trailers make for good contrasting colors without having to change baits. I probably should use trailers, but I have such a hard time deciding what one of my hundreds of spinnerbaits to throw, I feel I may suffer from bass bait overload trying to determine what trailer to put on what bait. Save all of your parts off of broken spinnerbaits. You may end up building your own some day and you can never have to many parts. Be warned, the Bait Monkey is very fond of spinnerbaits.
  19. That sounds normal to me. What is weird is taking tried and true crankbaits that never stopped catching bass, and putting them in a box that never leaves the house, to make room in my boxes I take fishing, for new crankbaits. I proceed to catch bass on the new crankbaits and think I need more of them. It never even crosses my mind, that maybe the bass would have hit the old crankbaits I left at home. The new ones worked, so I must have more, in more colors and sizes. What is also weird, if I loose a crankbait, I have to not only buy three like the one I lost, but I have to buy 3 of another color, and 2 of another type I haven't even tried. They wont all fit in my crankbait box, so I have to put old ones, that were new ones not long ago in my injured reserve box back at home. Same scenario with spinnerbaits and topwater, I am truly weird.
  20. My wife just asked where they got the picture of me from last New Years Eve.
  21. When I am not catching bass, I keep throwing the same lure, when I am catching bass I am constantly changing lures. It is a good thing I don't invest in the stock market, I would buy high and sell low.
  22. I wear a Timex Expedition 24/7/365 Takes a lickin, and keeps on tickin. If you remember this, you probably still wear a watch.
  23. Bone, but I will make sure I have a black magic marker in my tackle box.
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