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king fisher

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Everything posted by king fisher

  1. Bass fishing as a kid was an indescribable passion. A journey full of mystery with that one great giant bass of my dreams always one cast away. Every bass hooked was a miracle, every bass landed a life long memory, every day fishing an adventure, every new stretch of shoreline, creek bend, or piece of cover a fantastic discovery, and every lure a treasured magical creation. That is how I remember bass fishing as a kid, and how I still think of bass fishing to this day.
  2. I wish Santa would come to my house, grab the Bait Monkey and drop him down some other anglers chimney.
  3. Relax. My post was not intended to offend anyone. It wasn't even intended to state an opinion, about either manufacturer, or mine or any one else's personal opinion. My post was a failed attempt at humor. I was insinuating that I am a Diawa fan, but if someone would be kind enough to send me a free Shimano reel, I would instantly turn in to a Shimano fan. I obviously didn't think someone would send me a free reel, and because I am an amateur angler, I would not ever expect to get a sponsorship from Shimano. It was meant to be a joke. I thought it was funny, but as all jokes, I should have anticipated the fact that others may not appreciate my sense of humor. I believe both manufactures make excellent reels and encourage discussions about the pluses and minuses of both.
  4. I currently own Diawa Baitcasters, but if someone wants to send me some top of the line Shimano reels to compare with my Diawa, I would be glad to give them a try. I can tell in advance, that if I were given a Shimano reel to review for free, the Shimano reel would be the smoothest, farthest casting reel I ever owned.
  5. I had a friend I grew up with come visit. We hadn't fished for bass together in 40 years. I found a guide that would take us fishing on my favorite lake. We fished hard for two full days and caught a total of 8 bass. The biggest one was 1.5 pounds. The last report I had for the lake was a couple weeks ago, and the fishing had been epic. It just goes to show even in Mexico, bass fishing is bass fishing. Neither of us got skunked either day, so it could have been worse. The good thing was fishing is not all about catching fish. We told and retold so many old stories that both of us had sore throats and scratchy voices, from non stop talking, and sore sides from laughing. My friends PB is 5 pounds, caught in the spring of 1977. I still remember him walking up to the bank and casting a #3 Mepps spinner across the creek hooking the bass and me reaching down an grabbing it. We both thought it was the biggest bass in the world. I sure wish he could have caught a new PB while he was here, but maybe he will get a chance to come fish again.
  6. I always fish my way, that is easy. My problem is catching bass.
  7. Talk like this is exactly why the Bait Monkey left my house with a big frown and a black eye.
  8. 7 inch Senko in June bug. June bug is one of the most popular colors for soft plastics, but I can't find them in the 7 inch size. Maybe some place other than TW has them I don't know. I ran out last year and now I use black and blue. They work well but I always wonder if the June bug would work better.
  9. Which ever State you choose, the Bait Monkey wanted me to remind you to buy new rods, reels, line and lures for such an epic trip. You will also want to buy new gear on your trip to bring back home.
  10. Buy as many as you can now. The exchange rate is going to change drastically in the near future. I heard this from a leading expert on international trade. This expert is a very nice guy and willing to share his vast knowledge of world markets. He does look familiar, short, bent over with lots of hair. I know I have seen him before, but can't quite place the face.
  11. I hope to learn how to say no to the Bait Monkey.
  12. I set the hook hard in to snags, and light in to fish. I always hook my snags, and miss most of my fish.
  13. If I'm catching only small bass a pound and under, I will try a different location, different depth in the water column, or a different bait. Most of the time I have the most success changing location. Big bass may hit a variety of lures, at all positions in the water column, but they can't hit your bait if they are swimming on the other side of the lake. If I catch one or two baby bass I don't change anything, but if I catch more, with no big ones, I will change something.
  14. Last year I couldn't buy a bite on a Ribbon Tail and caught my biggest of the year on a straight tail worm. This year I can't get a decent bite on a straight tail worm, but have had days when the only lure in the box that gets bit is a Zoom Ole Monster. I don't know why, but with bass like this wanting ribbon tails, that is what I'm going to throw.
  15. Follow the ducks. They will stop in Mexico, and you should too.
  16. Does your water level fluctuate much? Do you think your spot will be good in different seasons and conditions? There are many factors involved in making a decision weather to beat a spot to death, or try and save it. It is best to have enough good locations, that you can give a good hole a rest and not have to count on one spot every time you go fishing. Resting a hole can often pay off, but it can also be a waste of a good fishing opportunity. Just like many things in life, what seems like a great plan, may turn out to be a disaster. You already pointed out one possible problem. If some one else starts fishing your spot, it may not produce as well for you. Another problem may be if the water level changes, or other conditions change and what was once a great fishing hole is now high and dry, or simply void of bass. It may be best to catch what you can while you can, and not worry much about the future, or it may be wise to baby the spot, and always have a an ace in the hole for when you need it. I have had success both ways. I fished a river where I wouldn't fish the same hole more than once a week, and I fish a lake where every time I go there, I fish one place almost all day. It would probably be best to keep fishing it hard for awhile and see what happens. You can always back off on pressure and give it time to rest but you can't get back the time that you didn't fish it. Good luck.
  17. Magnum Wiggle Warts are arguably the best back trolling lure ever made for fishing in rivers for King Salmon. Standard size Wiggle Warts are great for steelhead. I have no idea why, but the pre Rapala Warts are best.
  18. I looked at the link you posted. My name wasn't there, I guess I didn't make it. I better not quit my day job.
  19. I gave you a picture of the lake, a description of the lake, and which direction to drive. What more intel do you need? It might be easier for you to come up with an answer for your favorite spinnerbait lake.
  20. This. It is a rocky deep reservoir south of Lake Menderchuck.
  21. I don't know what color bass, see, or how they see them, but if they want to get caught on a worm of mine they better like some shade of purple. If they want a deep crankbait, they better like chartreuse and blue, and if they want to hit a rattle trap I'm fishing they will have to be hungry for a chrome with blue back. If they can see and or prefer other colors, than they can bite some other anglers line.
  22. All the Monkey got me for this time was just enough for free shipping. 2- Zoom magnum Ole Monster 2- Zoom Ole Monster 2- Magnum Rage bug 1- Rapala Crush City Mayor
  23. You had the right to remain silent, but you put it on the internet. The Bass Police will be knocking at your door soon.
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