All lakes have cycles. Baccarac is on a down cycle right now. In the spring and early summer of 2021 there was a sever draught that may have caused the start of the downward turn. A larger than normal rainy season in the fall of 2021 brought the lake back up, but the fishing suffered all of last winter. Even with higher than normal water level to start the winter, higher than normal irrigation, brought the water level down to almost the level of the 2021 drought again in the spring of 2022. Lots of rain in the fall of 2022 brought the water back up but so far this fall season has been slow, for big fish. The tilapia nets effectiveness in the low water may have been the cause of the decline, but there isn't a lodge owner in all of Mexico, that even mentions the word nets.
Baccarac is still a phenomenal lake, and the fact that it has the largest abundance and variety of bait, of any lake in Mexico, and a healthy population of smaller bass with excellent genetics, It may return to it's number one status of big bass producing waters within a year or two. You can still have a great day catching large numbers of 2- 5 pound fish, with a possibility of a DD on any cast. The days of everyone catching a bass 10 pounds or over seem to be gone for awhile.
El Salto while not as good as Baccarac is on the upswing. Auguamilpa bass size average while not huge is going up, and the catch rates of 1 to 4 pound fish are still phenomenal. Auguamilpa for years has struggled with extremely high catch rates, but small sized bass. If the size of the bass keeps improving, it may be an unbelievable lake when it hits its peak, only time will tell.
Chapala, a lake I predicted 3 years ago, would be the best trophy lake in Mexico, is actually down from what it was when I was making my prediction. My poor ability to predict the future is why I don't bet on sports or invest in stocks.
Presa Calles in Aguascalientes is probably your best shot at catching a 10 pound plus bass in Mexico this winter. There are no lodges at the lake, but there are many hotels and a few good guides. Unlike many lakes in Mexico, this lake has an abundance of aquatic vegetation, and bass can be caught all year in grass mats, as well as on deep water structure. Unfortunately I have not had the opportunity to fish this lake myself, but the reports I have gotten are from highly reputable sources, and there are many videos' on the internet with people catching double digit bass.
To answer your question, Baccarac trophy fishing is not what it was a couple years ago, but I wouldn't write it off yet. It is still one of the top bass destinations in the world, and will probably be back on the very top of the list in a couple years. It is still worth the money, so if you get a chance to fish there, don't pass up the opportunity, just go and have fun.