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king fisher

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Everything posted by king fisher

  1. I was ordering things I needed, terminal tackle and line. The Bait Monkey detected a moment of weakness, and convinced me to order a Bacca Burrito for $39. (Thanks to Tacktical Bass'n modern day bandits) I keep no secrets from fellow anglers, but the Bacca Burrito will be a secret kept from my wife.
  2. I have a friend that does everything wrong. He fishes with the cheapest rods, reels, line and lures he can find. He attaches every lure he fishes, including the smallest size Floating Rapala, with his off brand Walmart $3 for 2,000 yard mono, complete with a giant, brass swivel. If there were a ten commandments of bass fishing, he would break every one of them. I have fished with him since we were in 6th grade. I have learned the hard way to never criticize the way he fishes. He will out fish me on most days, but if I mention his inferior methods, he will beat me so bad I will consider giving up on fishing all together. He is very observant and has a natural ability to determine the speed, cadence, and depth the fish want that particular day. He will probably be fishing some old beat up rusted lure he found, his rod will be missing a guide or two, the reel will sound like a cement mixer, but at the end of the day he will be eating fresh bass fillets. Is he fishing wrong? Heck yes, but I am not going to tell him, and for sure the bass don't think so.
  3. I wish I had those kinds of accidents.
  4. I am going to a PITA lake for the weekend too. This lake takes me 3 to 4 hours to get there, the wind blows 20 to 30 MPH., every afternoon, making fishing from a kayak a challenge. The local farm kids party at the launch on the weekends, which is next to the only place I can camp, making sleep almost impossible, and I always loose way to many lures at this lake. Why did I pick this lake? Because it is my best shot at catching my biggest bass of 2022.
  5. The strange bass pattern I have noticed this year, is the bass do not bite any of my lures. I bought and tried new lures, with the same results being the pattern of the day. After looking at this thread, I think I may find a successful pattern. All I need to do is get one of my duck decoys, put hooks on it, and fish very shallow. I'm glad I saw this because the Bait Monkey was trying to get me to purchase a massive amount of finesse gear for Christmas. I told the Monkey to hold off until I give the duck pattern a try. If I have success, I might have to buy a specialized duck rod, reel combo, so the Monkey wont loose our completely.
  6. This will slow me down for at least 10 minuets, maybe more.
  7. I couldn't find a small used pickup I could afford so a I bought a 12 year old Ford Echo sport from a friend of a friends cousin. It was a rattle trap when I bought it 5 years ago, and all I can say now, is it gets down the road most of the time. The rods and tackle, I put in it are worth far more than the car. With the Kayak on top, it definitely looks like a $1000 saddle on a $500 dollar horse. The good thing is I don't ever have to worry about someone breaking in or trying to steel it, because it is a piece of junk, even by Mexican standards. Any would be thief, takes one look and assumes the owner is completely broke. It gets my Kayak, gear and me to the lake, and that is all that matters. It would be nice to have a pickup, my back would appreciate not having to lift the kayak on top, but for the next couple years I will have to consider lifting the Kayak good exercise.
  8. I wish a pro would come show me how to fish my home water. Right now I am not sure if I could catch a bass at my local honey hole, with Dynamite, and hand grenades'. Some professional help would be highly appreciated.
  9. Can a Vission 110 be made for less than $25 with baking soda an super glue?
  10. Thanks, but my inventory of 6th Sense crankbaits is at the point, I should be the one having the Black Friday sale, but I did promise the Bait Monkey I would take at least take a look, after all I did loose a couple last weekend.
  11. Don't show that picture to the guys at Tactical Bass'n. They will make a video about it, and the Bait Monkey will be all over my back, trying to get my to buy the ridiculous thing, all the while telling me Mat and Tim have one, it must be an absolute must for every bass angler to own. I have enough problems dealing with the Monkey after one of their swimbait videos, I am sure I don't need a pet bass walker.
  12. One that is cheap, catches fish almost every cast, does not tangle, impossible to snag. Can anybody recommend such a Lure?
  13. The craziest part of my conversation with him, was what he was the most proud of wasn't the fish he had speared, but the fact that he had made the spear gun and darts, himself. I wanted to tell him, that many bass fisherman would pay more money than his boat, motor, and home made spear gun was worth, to land a 5 kilo bass and let it go. I held my tongue because I felt it wasn't my place to tell someone who lives there how they should fish. Sad to think of all the giant bass he will kill, but I was impressed that he could find a DD bass, with his Walmart snorkel gear, sneak up on the giant, and spear it with home made spear gun, all while his entire family is crammed into a 12 foot aluminum boat, enjoying themselves more than people I take out fishing on a yacht catching Marlin.
  14. That is a great rod for crankbaits, and Lipless crankbaits 1/2 oz and under, chatter baits, underspin's, and many other moving baits. I have a 7 foot medium fast Diawa Ardito, casting rod, that is one of my most used rods. I put a new Zillion on it a month ago, and a person would have to kill me if they wanted to take that combo from me.
  15. If I were you, I would buy her a weeks stay at Lego Land, and pitch my tent in the Bass Pro parking lot.
  16. I like a variety of bass fishing videos. Unfortunately so does the Bait Monkey. He never fails to remind me when there is a new Tactical Bass'n video.
  17. My advice is to buy a plane ticket to Mexico, then use what ever lure your guide recommends. Of course I do believe the MA state record was over 15 pounds and caught through the ice, so what do I know? In Mexico a big plus is getting a margarita with ice instead of one while sitting on the ice.
  18. I have never heard of hair and potato chips keeping a pickup from driving to a fishing hole. Maybe the wind will do the job of the leaf blower, besides they will just fall again, the same time next year. Remember your priorities. You have a new rod, that screams go fishing.
  19. I went fishing and lost some tackle, that I will replace at full price later. I guess I am not exactly a financial genius.
  20. I have done it and not had any suffered any lasting negative effects, but what happens in Mexico stays in Mexico. I'm not sure if I would be as brave north of the boarder.
  21. You better stick with your soft plastics, if you think Shad Raps are an expensive crankbait. LoL.
  22. I went to Trigomil for Thanksgiving weekend. The camping was good, but fishing was slow. Numbers were ok, but biggest was 5 pounds. Last time I was there in June I landed many over 5 and one over nine. I got there expecting high and stained water. Rainy season has been over for a month so I thought it would have cleared up some. I was surprised to see the visibility 8 to 10 feet. That was more vis than last June when it hadn't rained in 8 months. Of course I had left all my spinning gear, as well as any leader, or line under 15 pound test at home. I was geared for power fishing, and suck at finesse even when I bring my gear. I did manage to catch some bass in 18 feet of water with a Carolina rig. I saw some very big bass cruising along the shore in one 4 feet of water, while watching from high up the bank. I couldn't get them to bite anything because they would spook at even the line touching the water. I talked to a man there who told me about all the big bass over 5 kilos he has caught. I asked him how he catches the ones cruising the shore. He told me it was impossible to catch them with a lure. I asked how he did it, and he said it was easy. Then he showed me his snorkel mask, and spear gun. The local fisherman's new finesse tactic. I didn't have to ask if he practices catch and release. I have to assume he would never bring a knife to a gun fight. This may be what happened to some of the big bass in other Mexico lakes during the drought we had a couple years ago. I'm sure there is more than one angler with a spear gun and mask. The weekend wasn't a total loss. I did learn some new spots on the lake, and how to catch big bass if I ever really need a bass to eat.
  23. Not any smallmouth, but a good fishing whole for largemouth. Presa Trigomil, in Jalisco Mexico. Best thing, is the solitude, plus big bass is good too.
  24. I camped at one of my favorite bass lakes in Central Mexico this weekend. On the first day I managed to hit a rock, and bend one of the fin shafts on my Hobie peddle drive. The couple times before when this has happened, I simply used it the way it wa and fixed it when I get home. This time it was bent enough to interfere with the other fin, making the peddle drive system useless. I whish Hobie would sell the new kick up fins to fit on their old drive systems. I was one hour away from camp and my car, by peddle translating to many hours away by paddle with my bad shoulder. I decided to repair it there with what I had. I used a rag to protect the threads, but wish I would have found something else because although they didn't get damaged to much to screw the shaft in, I did damage them enough to make it difficult. The rock made a good hammer and a found a boulder with a crease that made due for a vice. The drive worked great for the next two days, I wish I could say the same about the fishing.
  25. I'm not sure with bass, I have never fished clear water for them, or fished live bait much for bass. I catch most of my bass on 12 to 17 pound mono, 40 lbs. braid, and once in awhile 12 to 15 pound floro. I fish with 6 to 8 pound mono when using spinning gear but the reason for the smaller line size is for casting, not because I feel the bass are line shy. Some lures like floating Rapala's need lighter line in order for the lure to work properly. I am certain for saltwater fish, line diameter maters greatly because of bait movement, lure action, and visibility. In Salt water, when fishing fast moving lures the line size has zero effect, unless it significantly hampers the lures action. When fishing live bait it makes a huge difference. I have fished live bait for tuna, when going down a line size will make the difference between zero bites and getting bit by 200# fish as fast as I can get a new bait in the water. I have seen 80# floro carbon get bit, while a live bait fished on 80# mono not even get looked at. The same tuna will not hesitate to crush a lure trolled at 9 knots attached to a big spreader bar, or umbrella rig, tied to a 250# leader. It would be interesting to me to hear from anglers that regularly fish live bait for bass, and hear what their experiences with line size are.
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