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king fisher

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Everything posted by king fisher

  1. I watched some recent videos on lake trout fishing, both on open water and through the ice. FFS is making catching giant lake trout look easy. Instead of trolling they are locating the fish and jigging for them. The catches are amazing. As more anglers catch on, it will have to be addressed in the future. Trout and salmon are far less structure and cover oriented. The advancements in electronics will be far more helpful for locating and catching these fish, than for bass. These species are also not in every pond, river, creek, and lake like bass are, making it easier to do damage to the population. They would probably be able to manage the fisheries with bag limits, and other traditional means, but public pressure, may persuade departments go down the path of limiting electronics as an easy public friendly fix.
  2. I have said this before, and will say it again. I completely think RB is wrong about FFS. I think he is has no logical argument, and is just being stubborn on the subject. However I do enjoy many of his videos, and respect his opinion. I have never heard him give anyone a nick name, call them an idiot, comment on any ones appearance, demeanor or intelligence all of which have been hurled his way. During a podcast, he wished Ben M. well in his future as a professional fisherman, and complemented him on his skills as and angler. Ben didn't even have the curtesy to say thankyou or wish him well. He is passionate about his beliefs, and will not change, no matter what the data has to say. He is making the argument into a religion rather than a science, and I do not agree with that, but like I said before, he does not take his beliefs in to the realm of personnel attacks and I think that is admirable. I have heard people comment about his appearance, his teeth, his intelligence, his ability as an angler, and his personality in general. All of which have nothing to do with the electronics argument. I disagree with him, but wish him well, admire him for sticking to his guns, without insulting the people that disagree with him. This controversy over electronics is not going to go away, and some civility by all sides will be required on order to make sound decisions. In the end I feel there is going to be restrictions made by State Fish and Game agencies, and it is not going to be because of professional bass fishing. Other species are far more vulnerable to the new technology than bass are, and unfortunately bass fishing will become a victim of departments trying to make laws to protect other species. Lake trout and Musky are two species that may be the cause of restrictions in northern waters, and crappie may be the poster child in the south. I will have to wait for the price to drop significantly, before I buy FFS, but if it does I will be all in.
  3. Are you the Bait Monkey or do you just work for him. That is the most obscene tackle porn picture posted on this site, since AJ posted his favorite jerk bait line up.
  4. I fish for uneducated fish, in lightly fished remote waters, collect obscene amounts of tackle, my math skills are horrible, so correct numbers, can be a problem, hold fish very close to camera, I fish by myself which guarantees I will always have the most and biggest fish of the day and most of all I depend on luck. I may not be hammer, but I have as much fun bass fishing as any one who is.
  5. I have know idea when bass spawn in my local lake. The water is to dirty for me to actually see beds, and I never seem to catch any big bass that are extremely fat. All the big bass I have caught were healthy but have appeared to be post spawn bass. The bass I have caught between 25 and 27 inches have all weighed between 10 and 11 pounds. I saw a bass caught at the latest Lake Fork tournament that was 11 pounds, and barely over 24 inches. This is the size of bass I want to catch, but I am never able to find the holy grail pre spawn bass in my lake. Small male bass are always along the shore and easy to catch no matter what time of year According to other anglers in my area the bass spawn during the full moon in January, except when they spawn during the full moon in February, of course there are many years, they spawn during the full moon in March, throw in the odd late year spawn during the full moon in April, and of course we can't leave out the full moon in May. I catch the most big bass in June, and they are definitely all post spawn. Picture is of a 10.8 pound 26.5 inch bass caught in mid May, and the tail indicates it had just recently spawned. The water temperature is always above 60 degrees, the weather is almost exactly the same every day, water clarity is always from 1- 1.5 foot of visibility, wind is strong out of the west in the afternoon, and of course the moon is full once a month. The water level drops 25 feet from Nov. until July and is the only thing that can be different year from year. Some years the water level in march is the same as other years May water level. Unfortunately I have never witnessed a pre spawn feeding frenzy. I catch bass during every month of the year, but with the exception of June, all the other months are about the same. The reason June is exceptional is the bass and bait, are concentrated on offshore spots due to the extreme low water. I have been lucky enough to locate these places, and needless to say, I can't wait for June every year. I would like to capitalize on the pre spawn and have read everything I can about the spawn, but so far have had to settle for long skinny post spawn bass. I have caught large bass during every month, and although they are not extremely thin, like the bass in June, they due not look like the pre spawn pigs I see in pictures. I would be interested in hearing the opinions of other anglers, that fish for bass in places where the water temperature does not drastically change throughout the year. A friend of mine that fishes another similar lake, claims the bass spawn more than once during the year, and swears, there is a big spawn in August. I have my doubts, but maybe he is right. I have seen some extremely fat bass he has caught in August, but I think the size coincides with the baitfish cycles in the lake.
  6. The Jitterbug, Spin I Diddee and crazy crawler work as well as any modern surface bait, and a Jitterbug is still in my top water box. I never had much luck with a Pumpkinseed, and because they are worth more than most of the other lures, I would leave them in the box. The spinning lure in the bottom right corner of the second box was a favorite of a friend of mine. His mom caught the biggest bass in the family on one. He always referred to it as an old twin spin, but I do not know it's correct name. The two lures in the far left compartment second row down, first box are called Bass Magnets. They are excellent crankbaits for salmon and steelhead. I'm sure they will catch bass, but the chartreuse one really belongs in a steelhead fisherman's box. The river runt will flat out catch bass. If the bass don't want to hit the surface baits, I would not hesitate to fish it. Be warned, very large bass love to follow River Runts, similar to the way they are prone to follow but not strike modern glide baits.
  7. I'm sure guides are in a tough position. They want to market their success, but I can't imagine them wanting to draw any attention to the effectiveness of a FFS live bait combination. If I were a guide that had a sufficient client base, and wasn't dependent on new customers, I would try my best to stay off the radar. If I were a young guide trying to get my name out there, I would have to be very careful how I market my success. Fish and Game departments are not immune to the power of public opinion. They try to make all decisions based on science, but in the end they are part of the political environment.
  8. Has anyone used or heard of anyone using live bait with FFS? Would the popular use of this combination, change any ones opinions on the legality issues of FFS, live bait, or both for bass? I have to believe somewhere there is some old man leaving the dock in a 14 foot john boat with a 15 horse, motor, one old rod, a live well full of bluegills, and a FFS sonar unit covered up with an old hunting coat. I'm sure he has been catching DD bass that would make Josh Jones envious. He wont come back to the dock bragging about his catch, will probably take his left over bait home to eat, and of course will not post pictures on the internet. If one of his fishing partners mysteriously ends up dead, it is because he didn't keep his mouth shut. When using proper live bait techniques including circle hooks, the bass can be released un harmed so the question isn't one of depleting the resource, but is more of an ethical sportsmanship question. I have no opinion one way or the other, but I am interested in what other anglers think. So far I haven't read one word pro or con about this combination, but I'm sure both sides would be very vocal if a record bass were to be caught using both live bait in combination with FFS.
  9. I have one fish bass days in Mexico, with the water temp. 70 degrees. An angler is doing well if they can keep the skunk out of the boat anywhere, and having a three bass day during early spring in Maine, is cause for celebration, you should be proud.
  10. I fish a lake where the wind does the same thing every day for 6 months. In the morning there is a slight breeze out of the east during this time I fish soft plastics for suspended bass in trees. Around noon the wind starts to blow from the west, at first I can fish jigs, or heavier T Rigs, but by 1:00 PM I am fishing Spinnerbaits, for the bass suspended in the large trees, or crankbaits on offshore rock piles. At 3:00 PM the wind will be blowing 15 to 25 MPH. This is when the fish bite best, but the fishing gets tough. I will peddle my kayak upwind of a tree in 30 feet of water, and let the wind drift me by the tree. I only have time to make one cast with a spinnerbait, but when the cast is right, and I am successful, it makes the hard work worth it. Some days they wont hit the spinnerbait, but will hit a square bill bounced of the tree limbs. This technique has produced some of my largest bass, but has also ended in disaster. Trying to free a crankbait snagged in a tree, with the wind blowing 25 miles an hour, while in a kayak can get exciting. I have lost many square bills, and broke more than one rod attempting this. I doubt if I will ever learn not to try the square bill in the trees, but I do hope some day I will be smart enough to simply snap snap the bait off when I snag rather than break a rod, loose and almost flip my kayak, attempting to free the bait. At least I have stopped throwing my old Bagleys square bills, and usually throw a less expensive bait, but if the bite is off, and I get that lucky feeling the old Bagleys gets tied on. Yes I am a slow learner, and never give up hope when it comes to fishing. By evening the wind is really ripping, and I am forced to fish in a small bay. I never catch anything there, but I don't get the chance to fish often and am not one to give up. This lake is a very rare example where the wind does the same thing day after day. Most places the wind varies and is not predictable. The bass are lazy in the windless morning, because they know the wind is coming and they time there feeding for when the wind blows. Water temperature varies only a few degrees, in 6 months, and I have not been able to determine any effect from the moon cycle. The wind is definitely the major factor determining what time of day the bass will feed, and is definitely the major factor in how I am able to fish, and what I can throw. Some days the wind starts late, and I am able to fish the soft plastics longer, and other days, the wind is exceptionally strong, and I am forced off the water. By the end of the day, I hate fishing in the wind, but love the fish I catch while the wind is blowing.
  11. Are there any trout, where you fish? If so you could go catch a few for dinner. They bite well in cold water and are very good to eat. While you are catching trout, it wont hurt to try and catch a bass or two. Once you start catching bass, and have had your fill of trout, then leave the trout gear at home, an concentrate on the bass. A small inline spinner will catch any species of game fish. Tie one on see what bites, and have fun.
  12. Lord, please let me have FFS for just a few days. After I catch my big un, I promise its all old school flashers, mono, and Jitterbugs for me.
  13. Yes, but please don't tell my wife.
  14. I don't care if they keep it or ban it in tournaments, because I don't fish tournaments. I don't care if they keep or ban it for recreational anglers in the US because I bass fish in Mexico. I just want one week fishing on my local big bass lake, using FFS with someone who knows how to use it. If only to see what the lake is truly capable of. This lake has produced most of my trophy bass. 90% of those bass were caught offshore in 30-40 foot water suspended in trees. I have been successful blind casting to these suspended bass. I am sure with just one day of casting to specific targets , I would break my PB more than once. After that, I could spend my days preaching to others about the virtues of Zen fishing, with only my senses, and instincts to guide me, but I dream of having a few days fishing the dark side of the force. If I never get my chance to fish my lake with FFS, and some one else eventually does, I will consider every bass they catch, caught by un sportsman like means, and in my mind they will forever be thought of as a cheater. If I get my chance and catch a new PB utilizing FFS, there will only be lots of pictures of DD bass and big smiles. For those that would call me a hypocrite, please don't ask me my thoughts on fluorocarbon fishing line. Also, if anyone with a boat, and FFS. wants to learn the location of my remote, underfished trophy bass lake, come pick me up in PV, I will take you to the lake, let you make the first cast at every new target, and provide lunch for as many days as you want to fish.
  15. Is there any possible middle ground? Would it be possible to let the anglers find bass with the FFS units, but require them to turn the unit off before any casts are made? This would allow the anglers to still take advantage of the technology, but it would limit how effective the technology would be. This is just an example, and may be the worst idea ever, but surely there is a solution, that won't loose sponsorship dollars, and still be considered by the majority of bass fisherman to live up to a high standard of sportsmanship. Right now the only thing that makes using these units, not considered an unfair advantage to the angler is the high degree of difficulty learning how to use them, and the challenge of casting to such a narrow target while on the move all the while maintaining boat control, and direction. The technology may change to where after one day of practice an average angler can read the screen as well as a seasoned pro. The software may eventually improve to the point the FFS will be able to instantly mark a bass, tell you how big it is, what direction it is going, run the trolling motor, for the angler, and tell the angler when where and how far to cast. This would not be Star Wars technology, and could happen in my life time. Obviously when the Tech. gets to this point something would have to be changed in order to maintain a basic attitude of fair chase. Sometimes kicking the can down the road isn't the answer, but in this case it may be. I believe patience with a wait and see attitude, is the right thing to do. In the meantime, I congratulate all the young successful, anglers on tour, as well as maintain great respect for those that have been bass fishing for decades. Some sports such as baseball have always been steeped in tradition, Pro bass fishing has been the opposite. Ever since the first tournament's, the angler, fans, and sponsors have always been looking for the next great advancement. Everything from new lures, scents, boat, motors, rods, reels, oxygen meters, sun glasses, to color selectors, solunar tables, and yes electronics have made professional bass fishing an ever changing sport, with the only long time tradition being respect for the resource, and the love of bass fishing.
  16. Book a trip to Mexico. If slump continues, take up golf.
  17. Who cares? Is it unethical for parents to do everything they can to help their kids succeed, at whatever goals they choose to pursue? Would you ask a surgeon, how he got his money for medical school, a pilot how he could afford to build time in planes, or a race car driver if his father taught him how to drive. Most parents will do everything they can to help there children succeed. Some have the means to do more than others, but you can't blame the kid for having caring parents with a high income. If he takes what his parents have been able to give him, and turns that in to a fantastic career, I applaud, both the parents and the kid.
  18. The kid has skill, and the way his luck was going, I am positive he would have won that tournament even if he was only allowed to fish with a snoopy rod, no electronics, and barbless hooks. He also would have won if ilt was allowed to used electronics made by NASA, and dynamite. He would have been the best dynamite thrower in the tournament. It was his time, he deserves the credit. Like everyone, he will stumble and have bad days. Some days nothing can go wrong and others, nothing can go right. Only time will tell if he can handle both with humility and grace. Right now he should celebrate, and everyone else should celebrate with him. For the record, I do not recommend making dynamite a legal method to catch bass. I have enough problems keeping my body intact without playing with explosives.
  19. I don't have any problem navigating the site, because the Bait Monkey sits right next to me at the computer and guides my fingers to make all the right clicks. I wish they would make a site that is Monkey proof.
  20. Big difference, you can not catch and release a deer. Making the drone illegal is not only a fair chase issue, it is also a game management issue. Same reason modern rifle, seasons in most states, are far shorter than bow seasons. Success rates are much higher with rifles, so in order to preserve the deer population, seasons are short. Bow success is very low allowing for longer seasons.
  21. You have valid points, and I agree, there are already many limitations in the sport, and for that matter all sports. The problem I think BASS would have by limiting new electronic technology is sponsorship dollars. Professional bass fishing is not a big enough sport to offset huge sponsorship losses by making it up in viewership revenues, that may not even go up if the technology is banned. Banning ladders was not going to make a big difference in sponsorship dollars, same with trolling, live bait, or multiple lure baits. Banning live bait makes competitors have to showcase many different lures, instead of only hooks and sinkers. Banning trolling would have zero effect in sponsorship dollars, with the exception of maybe loosing out on potential downrigger advertisers. I don't think Home Depot pulled any sponsorships, when they banned ladders either. Electronics is another animal. These companies have invested millions in developing incredible technology. While professional bass fishing is not a large sport, recreational angling is one of the largest activities in the US. The problem is in order to sell very expensive electronics to the average angler, it will take a high degree of marketing through the professional level. I just don't see BASS having the ability to turn their back on the kind of money that they will benefit in, by keeping the electronic companies happy. This would change if BASS membership, significantly goes down, viewership crashes, or worst case scenario, fish populations go down, and state game departments start regulating the electronics allowed. If this were to happen, then obviously the balance sheet would swing the other way, and BASS would be forced to make changes in the rules. The way it is right now, the sponsors are all in, the anglers are having an incredible year, new young competitors are instilling new life in to the sport, and the playing field has remained even. All of the old timers have the opportunity and the sponsors available to outfit their boats with the very best electronics. It may take them more time to learn how to become effective with them, than it does younger anglers, but they will learn. I know if I had enough money to purchase FFS I would probably pull all of my hair out trying to learn how to use it, but I am positive, I eventually would become proficient with the technology and I graduated from a flip phone to a smartphone only a few months ago. I'm sure any feelings of guilt over it not being fair to the fish, would go away quickly when I reached down to land my new PB I just saw eat my lure on a screen. As far as the new young anglers not having less basic fishing skills, that theory is simply not true. I watched a few of them skip casts under docks and into thick cover far better than I will ever be able to cast. Are there other pros that are better at fishing the shoreline than they are? I'm sure there are, but they are a long way away from not having basic bass fishing skills. Personally I don't care what they use, because I am not the person competing, and I haven't witnessed any decline in fish populations from the use of the new technology in tournaments. I believe the only people that should have influence in the matter, are the tournament organizations, and the competitors themselves. As a fan, I will continue to enjoy the competition, regardless of the rules, as long as they are enforced fairly. As a recreational angler, I only hope that someday I can buy a FFS unit, for under $100, if not I will continue to work as hard as I can to catch bass with the equipment I have and can afford.
  22. It is called a professional elite series. To me that means the best anglers, competing with the best equipment in order to win and make the most money in pay outs, and sponsorships. By limiting the electronic equipment, they would be also limiting sponsorship dollars from the electronic companies. This sport is not big enough for tournament organizations to turn their backs on major sponsors. Like it or not the electronic companies want to use the professional circuit to help sell their products to the average angler and for good or bad, that is not going to change. Loosing sponsorships from one company making the A rig was not going to be a big financial hit. Also the A Rig had potential of becoming so popular, that other lures would not be used, actually hurting sponsorship dollars in the long run. Now that the A Rig has been out for awhile the fears, that it would be the only bass lure used has been shown to have simply been paranoia. Electronics have far more economic impact, and will only become more popular. I hear it all the time, It's all about the money. Yes it is all about the money, that is why it is called professional bass fishing. I am a recreational angler and can choose when, where, and what I want to fish with. If I was being payed, I would have to use my sponsors equipment, fish where the tournaments are being held, and keep up on the latest technology in order to compete. I may not agree with how they fish, and the equipment they use, but I also want to see the very best, with the very best equipment, competing at the highest level. That is what I believed happened at Lake Fork.
  23. I just installed a new ice maker on the boat, so I no longer have to worry about ice out.
  24. I miss fishing for smallmouth bass in Eastern WA. It has been 35 years since I lived there, but I will always consider the lakes and creeks I grew up fishing, as my home waters. I also miss fishing a variety of species in AK where I lived most of my adult life. It isn't the species of fish as much as the whole adventure of living and fishing in the AK Bush. Landing my plane on a gravel bar, getting out and catching a silver salmon for dinner, or going on 5 day float trips and the only other fisherman I see have four legs, and big teeth. I miss fishing a pond or creek with a bobber and night crawler for anything that will bite, because that is the only time I have ever fished, when the Bait Monkey was not bothering me.
  25. Will that be your last line of defense on Menderchuck?
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