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king fisher

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Everything posted by king fisher

  1. In the game of life, the person that ends up with the most tackle wins. It is that simple, you can't have to much tackle. If you don't use it, collect it. The next lure you buy will be the magic lure, if it isn't buy another.
  2. Your Square bill collection looks good. Great display. The Bait Monkey has already pointed out a couple baits that I don't have and he thinks I should get.
  3. I went fishing at Presa Pocho yesterday and today. I landed one 10.2 pound bass 25 inch first picture, on a Junebug Zoom Ole Monster( My hot lure this spring), a 6.8 pound bass 23 inch second picture, on a square bill, numerus smaller bass on a variety of lures, and one 205 pound 72 inch fisherman third picture, also on a square bill. My first cast I got a bite and missed, second cast I landed a 4.5 pound bass. Great way to start the day. I continued to catch small bass suspended in trees in deep water. The water temp. was 79 degrees, which is the warmest I have ever seen it at this lake. I was thinking the bigger bass must be still in the trees but deeper cooler water. The trees have large horizontal branches making it difficult to get lures below them. There is a fence line running in to the water from shore not far from one of the trees I like to fish. I always make a cast or two at some of the fence posts just because I have a hard time passing up visible targets even if they are only in 4 feet of water this time of year. I have never caught a bass over a pound on one of these posts, and doubted there were any bass this shallow, but as usual I had to make a cast while I was in the area. First cast I hooked and landed a 10.2 pound bass. It just goes to show how often I am wrong about where the big fish should be, and I usually catch my biggest bass at random times, due to dumb luck. Dumb luck or not, a DD is still a DD, I wont complain. Of course I worked many more shallow fence lines over for nothing but baby bass. I went back to fishing the deep trees. My first cast I set the hook hard into what I thought was a tree but right when I was going to pedal over to try and get my lure the tree almost jerked the rod out of my hands. The bass wrapped me on a limb, and after a few minuets of give and take, she managed to wrap it solid, and snap the line. I guess my dumb luck was over, and I was back to my normal bass fishing style complete, with a giant that got away story. Mid day I hooked a 1 pound bass and reached down to release it. I grabbed the leader, and the small bass jumped over my arm, hooking me with one of the treble hooks. It took a minuet to release the bass a and I have never seen a 1 pound bass fight so hard. Maybe it didn't fight any harder than normal, but my arm just might be more sensitive than any rod I have ever had. Luckily there was a couple commercial fisherman taking a siesta in hammocks not to far away. I pedaled over to the bank and walked over to where they take their brake. They helped remove the hook and I gave them the lucky lure. I was back to fishing with only a small delay in my day. Today was slow. I caught a few small bass at my regular spots, and decided to try exploring a bit down the lake. I always troll while moving and caught a couple small bass after only a short distance trolling. I debated not putting the line out again, because I didn't think I would hook anything of size, and I was wasting time stopping to unhook 1 pound bass. I was travelling over a featureless flat, and didn't expect to catch anything, but I put the line out because it can't hurt to have a bait in the water. I went about 10 yards and hooked a 6.8 pound bass. I spent the next hour criss crossing that spot looking for any kind of cover or structure, but found nothing. The flat was a consistent 8 feet deep, mud bottom, with zero irregular features. Again just dumb luck. The other end of the lake didn't produce any more bass, and because it was raining hard I decided to troll back to the launch and go home. I didn't even get a small bass on my way back. I should have stayed and fished all day in the rain, but it sure is nice being warm and dry at home. Even in Mexico it gets cold fishing all day in the rain wearing only shorts and a T shirt.
  4. Lake Menderchuck should be easy to find. It is no big secret. Just look at the pictures he posts. It is in Michigan, surrounded by trees along with a few cabins, has giant small mouth bass, a few big brown trout, and an over sized musky or two. I recommend calling the Michigan DNR and give them this information. They should be able to narrow the search. Then look for AJ's pick up at the boat ramp. I don't see what the difficulty is.
  5. Before I cast I make sure I have my Hobie kayak pedals in reverse. As soon as I set the hook I start to back up. I have lost some very big bass because I either couldn't keep the line tight after hook set, or a big bass pulls me forward and is able to wrap the line on some kind of snag. I use mono and make long casts all of the time, but I do take a second or two to prepare for a strike before making a cast. It was hard to get used to , but is second nature now.
  6. I bought the Heddon reel in the spring of 1978 it was half the price of an Ambassador at the time. I was sold on the new level wind disengaging design, and the cheaper price sealed the deal. I had an old pen 109 reel made for trolling I had tried to use as a casting reel and because of my limited success with that reel was a sucker for any design that made the reel free spool more. It was my first true baitcaster. My friend bought an Ambassador at the same time. The level wind moved back and forth during free spool on his reel, but it was a much better caster than my Heddon with the new supposedly revolutionary improvement. Now all baitasting reels have the level wind disengage, so maybe they were on to something.
  7. I visited my Mom in WA State this past week, and found some of my old fishing gear in a box she saved. I salvaged three spinnerbaits, and one reel that I brought back to Mexico. I hope to catch a DD bass on one of the baits and maybe even give the reel a try on some big Mexican bass. The smaller spinnerbait was made by Cotton Cordel and was called a Spring Killer. The upper spinnerbait arm was bent in to a spring, giving the bait it's name. It had a black rubber skirt, with a long thin yellow curly tail trailer. I caught a PB largemouth 5.5 pounds with that bait in 1977. That bass was my PB until June 2020 when I caught a 10.5 pounds almost doubling my old PB. I wont be able to find an original skirt, and trailer, but the bait is still good, and I will put a modern skirt on it. The other spinnerbaits were made by Blakemore and called CC Spin. The big Colorado blade had a large cup at the end which was supposed to make it the best spinnerbait for waking the surface. Buzz Baits had not become popular yet, and waking a spinnerbait was a common technique. I preferred a smaller bait I had for waking, but did catch some nice bass slow rolling the big CC spin. A new skirt and the old Blakemore will be ready to go just in time for the rainy season muddy water conditions. The reel was made by Heddon, and is the first baitcaster I know of that the level wind disengaged when the free spool lever was engaged. The reel cast OK, but I had problems with line getting behind the spool. My friend bought an Ambassador at the same time, and never had any problems. I always wished I had spent the extra dollars and bought an Ambassador. The reel is in great shape and if I use 17 pound or higher mono I don't think I will be plagued with the problem that I had when I was young fishing with lighter line.
  8. I have used the Coastal 150 for 3 years, and have never had any issues with the reel. Very solid, great drag, and casts well. I use it in Salt water often, and haven't had any issues with corrosion. I like this real better than my Tatula CT but I have no complaints with the Tatula. I had a Coastal 200 that was my favorite, but I lost it over board. Replaced it with a Tatula 150 and I prefer the Coastal 200 I lost, but both are excellent reels. The Coastal reels held up well in salt water, but I don't fish the Tatula reels in the salt, so I can't say for certain, the extra money you pay for the coastal reels is worth it or not. I only know the Coastal reels are worth the money I paid for them.
  9. The influence LMB has on the Bait Monkey. Other fish species and the Bait Monkey may be friends, but the Large Mouth Bass and the Bait Monkey are soul mates.
  10. They usually miss my bait and inhale my friends bait.
  11. 7’6” Diawa Tatula heavy fast. With Diawa Coastal 150 reel. 7’6” Diawa Ardito medium heavy fast. With Diawa tatula 150 reel. 7’ Diawa Ardito medium heavy fast with Diawa Zillion reel. 7’ Diawa Ardito medium fast with Diawa Tatula CT reel. Some days I substitute a medium spinning combo for one of the bait casters. I do not like to have more than four rods in my kayak.
  12. I don’t loose any. Some I don’t bother to bring all the way back to the boat and go through the hassle of removing hooks. Weather I release them close or far, I know where they are,(in the lake) so I don’t consider them lost.
  13. Uni to Uni knot is strong and easy to tie. I used it for 25 years. Alberto is better and what I use now for leader under 50 pound test. Alberto is easy and quick to tie, but takes practice to tie correctly. It will come untied if not tie properly. Both knots as well as many others are excellent knots.
  14. Zoom magnum trick worm June bug T rigged with 1/4 oz bullet wieght.
  15. I need a checklist to remember my check list.
  16. I go big or go home. Big jigs, big worms for big dumb bass. I don’t know the Spanish word for finesse.
  17. Bass size = length + weight x time after catch squared
  18. Do you have too much money? Are you too healthy? Does your favorite football team win too much? You can’t fish too much!
  19. 30 years living and flying in the Alaskan Bush stuff happens.
  20. Ran over by a bull moose 5 miles from cabin no way to communicate with any one. Not due to be picked up for another month. Bruised and a broken finger. Charged by brown bear at night while crossing a river. Shot bear. In a plane crash I was not the pilot no one hurt. Plane totaled. 3 complete engine failures while piloting aircraft. One at worst possible time while taking off. No injuries to self or plane Fell through ice while wearing snow shoes. Temperature was - 25 degrees 3 miles from cabin. Set land speed record. broke up fight between Bait Monkey and my wife. Lasting emotional scars.
  21. All I know is the people that fish the shore line furthest away from the one I'm fishing catch all the bass.
  22. My experience has been the complete opposite. I grew reading about how fast a bass spits out a bait, and how fast you have to be on the hookset. I fished for years with a hair trigger hook set. I was always locked and loaded, one small twitch away from instantly yanking back as hard as I could. I was fast as electricity, and always running on 220. I would loose a large percentage of the bass that bit soft plastics before the fight even started. After years of fishing for other species of fish, with techniques that required a more subtle approach I was willing to try something different for bass. My method now is soon as I detect a bite, either by line twitch or feel. I stay calm, slowly reel in slack, gently feel if the fish is still there, then set the hook while continuing to reel. My hook up percentage has increased significantly. I don't purposely give the fish more time, but I don't just reflexively yank back. I take enough time to make sure I am prepared to get a good hookset, while not giving the bass too much time to reject my bait. Slowing down has definitely helped my fish landed per bite percentage. I will admit, I am very high strung, so if some one were to watch me set the hook, they would probably say I am very quick on the trigger. I do take my time, but I have never had enough time to say there she is before I set the hook.
  23. Your good to go. Very similar to my 5 combos. May not be perfect but works ok for me.
  24. I'm glad to see the Bait Monkey did not suffer after getting kicked out of my house. Please keep him for awhile longer.
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