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About KyBassin16

  • Birthday 07/26/2000

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Ky Lake

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. Hey, I got a pair of costa 400g green mirror sunglasses for Christmas. I'm wondering if I should return them and dish out the extra 50$ for 580g. But if there's not a really noticeable difference then I would like to keep the 400g's. Thanks for any advice you myt have!
  2. Im interested in knowing what yalls favorite rod is for around 100$
  3. Yea it's the champion extreme hp sorry guys
  4. It's new I have a discount because they are our sponsor for our fishing team
  5. Hey, I'm in the market for a new rod and I have a chance to get the Dobyns champion Hp for 224$. Should I jump on this deal?
  6. Hey, I'm looking for a new 7 foot M/H rod for jigs. My budget is 150$ or less do you guys have any suggestions? Thanks
  7. Yes I am putting in at Wilson dam
  8. I'm going to pickwick lake this summer for a huge bass fishing tournament. The tournament is June28-july1 and I have never fished pickwick before. So I'm wondering if you guys the fish pickwick lake can give me a idea on what lures there biting around this time?
  9. Any thought on the shimano scorpion 200/201 HG reel?
  10. Yea I know, I'm doing a lot of high school bass fishing tournaments right and I'm getting ready to go to pick wick lake for the world finals, and I'm looking for a good lightJig/ spinner bait Rod and don't know what to get.
  11. Is the Zodias Rod worth 190$ ?
  12. I really don't know what to do should I I get the shimano zodias with a cheap real like a LFS or a Dobyns fury with a more expensive reel. Plz help!
  13. I have used both spiderwire and powerprow and I think powerpro braid has a slight edge over spiderwire
  14. I have 2 LFS and I think there the best reels out the for 100$
  15. I can get the Dobyns fury for 85$ should I jump on this deal or get a different rod? Thanks for your Help
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