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Everything posted by racedad

  1. I did too, got to use one this past Sunday. Had several big blow ups and one that committed violently. Didn't fish it long, but I believe it has its place in my arsenal.
  2. I have 5 different models from the Tournament Pro, Tourney MB, Pro G, BB1's and Pro Mag. The rods I have of Lew's is the Custom Lite. They are decent, but prefer Dobyns. As someone else stated, the customer service is top notch. I broke a rod tip off (my fault) and Lew's replaced the rod with no questions asked.
  3. I just got some of those whopper ploppers Friday and tried them out today. Had a couple huge blow ups but did get one that chased it violently and managed to get him to the boat.
  4. The microwave guides must just started on the Mach rod for Lew's, because I recently purchased a Custom Lite and it has standard eyes.
  5. Dobyns 735 Fury and Lew's BB1 Pro 8.0:1. I have the 735 in the Champion series for my frogging set up, the Fury is a fine rod as well.
  6. I just went through this with a Lew's Custom Lite. I broke 2" off a 7'3 rod and they sent me a new tip guide. I wasn't real pleased with the rod after repair. I contacted them and they had me to cut out the section of rod with model number and mail it to them with $20 bucks. They said it's cheaper on the customer to do this and that the $20 is splitting the cost to send me a new rod. I'm pretty pleased, because I explained in the beginning it was my fault for damage.
  7. Won another Lew's reel! This time I got a BB1Pro in 7.1:1. This is the fourth one I have won.?
  8. Newest member is the Lew's Pro Magnesium.
  9. I wouldnt even want to guess on whats just printed! Not even including the purchases here and there that doesnt get posted.
  10. Reels- Lew's BB1 pro, Tournament MB, Pro G, Pro mag. Shimano Stradic, Quantum Tour. Rods- Lew's Custom Lites, Dobyn Champion XP, G Loomis and a couple ugly sticks.
  11. I would find a small utility type trailer. There are a few people on here that went this route.
  12. May be the difference for me, I removed the fuse holder in the stock wiring, soldered a new ring connector. I use the minkota battery box that has the built in breakers.
  13. The factory wiring on the Pelican is suitable for any 12 volt trolling motor! I run a 55 thrust minkota without 1 issue. With this being said, that's all I run on the factory wiring. For my Helix 5, I use a separate battery source.
  14. Broke down a got a Stradic and Lew's Custom Lite to take care of my finesse needs.
  15. I was in this similar dilemma a couple weeks ago and some folks recommended the Pres! When I compared the two in feel, weight and smoothness the Stradic felt imo much better in every category. It all depends on the bones you have to spend. JMO
  16. I was hesitant to put out that kind of money for a Stradic, but glad I did. Awesome reel! I have the 2500 and solely use it for my finesse set up.
  17. I'm going to give it a try, though I'm not big on flipping. Lew's customer service did tell me if I was not happy with the rods action, I can send it in with a prepaid postage return. I'm guessing by that statement it would be a replacement.
  18. Thanks for the response. Lew's has a lifetime warranty on their rods with stipulations. One being carelessness. That fit my bill. I did speak with them and they are sending me a repair kit at no charge. Mine broke right at the second guide from the tip. I carefully melted the epoxy from the existing guide and cleaned it up per instructions from Lew's CS. I lost 2 3/8" of rod tip. Guess I will use this one for flipping.
  19. I have 4 different Lew's models to include the two you mention. Either one will get the job done. Pick your poison!
  20. This has prob been asked 1k times but I can't find a direct answer. I was out today and broke 2" off the tip right at the second eye. What is the best way to repair if it's even worth it. The rod is the Lew's Custom Lite heavy fast flipping. Stupid move on my part, I've only had the rod a couple months. Second thing, will this change the sensitivity or action? Thanks in advance.
  21. Guess this qualifies winning in a raffel. Pro G. Had two, think I will keep this one.
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