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j bab

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Everything posted by j bab

  1. First off use braid. I'd punch through it with a heavy texas rig on braid, throw a frog on top, and fish the edge with something edit: LOL gardner beat me to it
  2. The first baitcaster I actually bought myself was a lews tourney MG. I have 2 now, they are both awesome. Obviously their newer stuff is even better, hence "lighter, faster, stronger." I have used their high end Pro Magnesium, it's excellent. I also own a bb2 pro and a bb1 pro for crankbaits, they are great as well, especially for the price. I would recommend lews stuff. I'm not saying they're the best in the business, but they are good reels that I enjoy.
  3. This and a slower action rod would also help
  4. I have this happen once in awhile. They'll let you surf them in and then once you unhook them they freak out
  5. Okay, ask any power fishermen ever and they'll disagree. I'm not saying that covering water would have worked for you that day, I'm saying it could work for OP to catch one or two. If you're covering water and not catching anything, slow down. Everyone knows that. Just because covering water didn't work for you that one time doesn't make it bad advice. I'm not gonna argue about this anymore, have a nice day.
  6. You use the 7" red fin for bass? Do you change out the hooks/rings?
  7. I just got some st-66's to put on one of my swimbaits and I think they're awesome. However, if you don't mind spending the extra 50 cents a hook those stx 58s do look amazing. I wish I would have known about those before I bought the 66s, they are appealing and probably worth the extra cost
  8. I would go with a Bucoo out of those, personally
  9. I'm not an expert at skipping by any means, so maybe someone that is can help me out here, but I personally would think heavy might be a little too stiff for this. I would use a medium heavy unless for some reason you're skipping real heavy jigs
  10. For $60 I bet it's plenty good. And like george said, you could always return it if it's that bad
  11. I feel like CXX would have too much memory. I haven't tried it on a spincast though, I could be wrong
  12. Excellent advice... There is no way you can win with these types of people. I have also had a situation recently on a private pond that I was on legally, and with permission. Some people can't just let a couple guys enjoy fishing, they have to assert themselves and make sure you know it's "their" pond even though they are actually wrong (and they don't even fish it).
  13. I'd go with a medium heavy
  14. It's not bad advice for covering a lot of water quickly. Of course you should cast at the same spot again if you get bit. Once again I was offering advice for catching a fish or two as OP requested. You think that if you go up to a pond and only cast in one spot over and over you're going to catch fish every time? Of course not. I'm sure it worked for you that one time, but until you've covered water you don't know where that one spot is.
  15. He actually asked how to catch one, maybe two. I was suggesting a way to cover maximum water efficiently in order to find a bite or two. Sure, after you've thrown your tackle box at all the water you can reach from the bank you should start fishing for inactive fish!
  16. If it's from a different angle then it's not the same cast! When I say same cast I mean standing in one spot, throwing to the same spot, and making the same retrieve with the same lure. I see bank fishermen do it all the time. You should change something, whether it's the angle (walk to a different spot and cast to the same spot) or the depth you're retrieving or the retrieve speed, etc
  17. How do you like that camera? Is it just as good as a go pro?
  18. Here's a quick tip: don't make the same cast twice. If you do cast in the same spot, change up your retrieve or change baits. That will help you be more efficient
  19. Good point. Don't let bug spray mess up your confidence. Change the lure out if you have to. Ideally though, you shouldn't be getting bug spray on your lures, and it can't be good for your equipment either
  20. I thought about keeping records, but then I realized that even if the report said it shouldn't be good on a particular day, I would still go fishing anyways
  21. Seriously... And if it does get on your lure just cover it up with some spike it or whatever else
  22. Tool bags for plastic storage... Good idea! I might do that too, I currently have a similar setup to your old one. 6 or 7 gallon bags labeled for different categories filled with bags of plastics.
  23. Do you use the ABT DD or the DD2?
  24. First off, get an auto-inflating life jacket for when you're by yourself! Be safe. Try using squarebills up shallow in bluegill colors. Also try pitching crawfish type plastics around thick cover or docks
  25. Spro rat, MS Slammer, floating Bull Shad, floating Hudd... What are your favorite BIG wake baits? I'm trying to decide what to get, I need topwater for my big swimbait rig, I have the bottom and mid water column covered, and I can't keep my slow sink bull shad on top without burning it and sometimes they don't want it burned
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