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j bab

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Everything posted by j bab

  1. I'll save you some scrolling: Keitech Keitech Keitech Keitech Keitech Keitech Keitech Keitech Keitech Keitech Keitech Keitech Keitech Keitech Keitech Keitech Keitech Keitech Keitech Keitech Keitech Keitech Keitech Keitech Keitech Keitech Keitech Keitech Keitech Keitech mods you can lock the thread now
  2. Here are some videos. It takes a lot of practice to get better at it.
  3. I like the Cabela's Daiwa spinning reels. They're good for the money, super smooth. If they're on sale jump on em
  4. It's challenging and exciting. And I know that it will never stop being challenging. There will always be more to learn and there will always be a new spot I could fish. I'll never get bored of it.
  5. Sounds familiar It really is a great deal
  6. super sensitive, super light 2-piece, less than $250... good luck
  7. sounds like a good plan to me
  8. Where'd you get em? I'm assuming TW has prices as low as any, but I'd sure love to find some on sale sometime (doesn't seem likely)
  9. I don't know, that's why I'm asking...
  10. I need to replace some 10XD hooks. I found out that they come with 1/0, but it I switch to a triple grip short shank should I step up to a 2/0? I've heard that you should step up a size when you go from regular to short shank. Anyone have experience switching hooks out on XD cranks?
  11. They're perfectly fine. Get some when they're on sale, it's worth it. Obviously they're no GYB but they're worth throwing
  12. Some baitcasters have holes in the spool, on those you can run the line through the holes and tie a knot before you spool so it can't slip. Or you can tape the line down at the bottom of the spool. But I usually just use backing because it's easy and way cheaper like you said!
  13. Yeah I've learned not to expect to get the results I see from youtube tutorials Thanks for the tips, that really is helpful
  14. I'm a fan of the XD series too... If it means anything to you, KVD just won on Toledo Bend last weekend with the 10, 8, and 6XDs. 4th and 5th place (Combs & Mueller) also got their top spots cranking 6-10XDs. Color wise, I've always liked Sexy Shad, but that's not always the best color to throw necessarily.
  15. Do people scale bass? Seems like you could easily fillet it in the amount of time he spent pressure washing it. I would also think that would give the meat a weird texture...? Also scales are going to get EVERYWHERE! Meh, either way that's a clever idea, someone try it and tell me how the fish tastes and if you really saved time.
  16. The reviews I've seen on the booyah say that the thing falls apart after being skipped a lot. Is this your experience? Seems like that would be an easy fix if you just replaced the cheap band with a little wire, though...
  17. It's definitely not there. Pretty clearly a copy, but competition is good, right? SK isn't the first to copy those, but I bet they are the closest replica, the others I've seen have bad action. I bet they'll catch lots of fish, I wish they were made of SK's perfect plastic though. Oh well, I'm sure I'll still try them out
  18. What are your favorite jigs for skipping under docks and trees? I just watched a video with Mark Zona, he uses a SK Structure Jig because of the flat head. That one seems to work well. Tell me your favorites and where you buy them. Oh also what size do you use and do you use a trailer or not and what kind of trailer and any other tips/tricks
  19. Your inline spinner idea is good for lots of action and multiple species, but it could definitely get hung up easier than something like a 4" senko or a tx rigged/weighted hook swimbait
  20. Not necessarily true. They do coexist at times. Bass don't eat every bluegill they see, they just eat them when they're hungry or when there's an opportunity they can't pass up. Your job is to give them an opportunity they can't pass up when you're pitching. That or get a reaction bite. Definitely pitch at that spot.
  21. I just picked one up a couple weeks ago to use as a wakebait. However, I know a few guys that are addicted to throwing the 4 and 5 inchers as jerk baits (smokey joe or gold). Just because they came out a long time ago doesn't mean they don't still catch fish. Give them a shot!
  22. I try not to say things like "you can't not catch fish" about certain lures because that's simply not true. That gives an inexperienced fisherman unrealistic expectations. Sure the keitechs are excellent fish catchers, but that doesn't mean that it's impossible not to catch fish with one. Especially if you don't know what you're doing with it. It's more helpful to tell someone how to use it in order to have the best chance of catching a fish with it rather than just saying "this is the best lure ever." That being said, I also think that plenty of people do catch fish on those storm baits; switching to keitech isn't the only solution. Riverbasser could be right, maybe you aren't using it at the right time. Maybe you should try different retrieve methods. Try slowing down and keeping it near or dragging the bottom (take the bottom treble off in order to do this), also try speeding up or "stroking" it if that doesn't work, and so on. Then again maybe you should listen to the fish if they don't want those baits and try something else if they won't hit it that particular day. I wouldn't give up on them completely yet, though. Good luck.
  23. Interesting... I don't think that lead is magnetic... You're sure they're stuck together and cannot slide apart from each other?
  24. Can you post a link or pic of the lure? I didn't know that Live Target made a bluegill swimbait.
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