So the 2016 Steez SV TW is supposed to be for lighter lures (and it is a light reel) while the 2017 Steez A SV TW is supposed to be just as smooth but more durable (and therefore a little more heavy)? So the only advantage to the current model is the lighter weight?
I wonder if the Steez A will be the same $500 price as this year's model? Also I assume this will be a Classic release?
Also, I find it funny that in the video @rippin-lips linked here that they imply that you can't throw heavy lures and catch solid fish with the current model. Line capacity is overrated; I put less than 75 yards of line on my Aldebaran (rated for 85yds of 12lb, I use 15lb) and I have never spooled it, and I've thrown an A-rig on it before. That and the current Steez has 11lbs of drag, that's plenty except for in extreme situations (flipping a terribly thick mat and hooking into 5+ pounders). I bet Ish could have landed that bass just as easily with the current model in that video.
All that being said, I'm definitely very interested in this new Steez A, I just laugh at some of the things these guys say in the video to sell the reels.