I have a 7' BPS Bionic Blade MH Fast action rod. It's rated for 3/8 oz to 1- 1/2 oz. lures. Right now I'm fishing soft plastics texas rigged and using a 1/2 oz bullet weight for almost all conditions.
How are people using baitcasting rigs with a similar setup and using 1/4 oz. weights? I also see people going weightless. This isn't within the rods limits or even close.
I would like to stick with the rods weight guidelines, but a 1/2 oz. weight does go to the bottom a bit fast. Are most using 1/2 oz. weights and higher on average with this type setup? I keep being told to start with 1/4 oz. but that seems a bit light for the rod?
I constantly find myself unsure of what oz. weight to use. And the mixed box of weights I have don't say the weight on them. I only know what a 1/2 oz. looks like. May have to buy a new box so I know what size they are.
Suggestions and tips appreciated.