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ring fry

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Everything posted by ring fry

  1. Average 6-7 times a day in the winter and once or twice in the summer.
  2. No shelter houses at either ramp but fairly large parking lots. It doesn't matter a bit to me, but those driving Hummers and pulling new Tritons, you have to travel either 3 or 7 miles on gravel roads to get to a ramp
  3. It's been brutal here in SE Kansas. We've been pulling and cutting limbs and trees off the streets for two days. About 1" ice everywhere, without power at home for two days, and still raining. I had to cut limbs to get out of my garage this morning. More freezing rain after midnight tonight, I can't wait.
  4. Welcome, great place to learn and to share.
  5. I could be wrong but I don't think there is public access to the hotwater discharge.
  6. Congrats. Used to go snagging on the Mo. river in SE Nebraska. Not much more fun than snagging spoonies in the current. My largest was 81#. Thought my arms were going to fall off before I got him in. Nice bass as well.
  7. I fished Bone Creek 8 - 10 times this summer and trust me, it has NOT gone downhill much. No, you can't go out and catch 30 or 40 twelve to fourteen inch bass, but you can get quite a few 16 to 18 inchers fairly regularly with an occasional 20+ incher. Butler Co. would be fine too, as well as Winfield Lake.
  8. Thanks for the replies. Yup, I'd say I'm totally and hopelessly addicted. This was my second trip to east Texas this fall. Will probably go back 3 or 4 more times before April. Been going down there in fall through spring since '91, plus a couple of trips to Falcon and Gibbons Creek in the 80's and 90's. I'M ADDICTED!!!!
  9. By boat it is straight across from the ramp. Traps, spinner baits, jig n pig, spooks and pop r's.
  10. I'd be up for it. Bone Creek, Big Hill, Hillsdale, Lone Star, Coffee Co. or La Cygne would be my choices but wherever I would try to make it.
  11. Just got back from 3 1/2 days of east Texas fishing. On Monday my buddy and I went to Purtis Creek. We had 9 fish total with the smallest being 17". The wierd thing was that my 5 fish were caught on 5 different lures. Spinner bait, trap, rogue, c-rigged ring fry and then a 10# 4 oz. on a black n blue jig n pig! Beat my PB by 1/2 pound. As soon as he figures out how to get the pictures off his phone, I will post them.
  12. acmemapper is pretty good as well. Sat. views, topo, roads, and combinations.
  13. Welcome! I've been going to east Texas since '91. Started going once a year in Feb. or March but now go 5 - 6 times from October to March. Fork is to bass fisherman as Pebble Beach is to golfers. It can kick your arse but you have to do it. Within 90 minutes of there, or less, there are countless lakes to fish. Quitman, Cedar Creek, Purtis Creek, Tawokoni (sp), Athens, Tyler, and others. I can't think of a better area to spend a spring vacation than east Texas. Always a chance for a pig and #'s can be good as well. You will not regret east Texas! ring fry
  14. Of course, you are going anyway, so go with your strengths before the front moves in if possible. The first couple of hours WHEN the front is moving through should be good on the windy banks with blades and traps. After that I think you have to back off to at least the outside grass lines with jigs or c-rig. Creek channel bends, or when two small channels meet with wood should be hit hard as well. Actually on Fork, especially, I like when a fall front moves in because the fish are more predictably and usually hold tight to cover. Spring fronts down there are a different story. : Good Luck!
  15. I just hope it doesn't screw KU or (heaven forbid) Moo from getting a shot at the NC if either of em win out. I don't think they can ignore the Hawks if we win out, but Moo might be another story. Hey RW, when we going fishing? I seem to remember a wager earlier this fall.
  16. When I lived in SE Nebraska, a buddy and I would go over to a couple of borrow pits in Iowa and race to 100. The total weight of 100 bass was probably about 70#, but was still a ball.
  17. University of Kansas Jayhawks Dallas Cowboys Boston Celtics MLB--who cares?
  18. Is that Jayhawk-eers? ;D
  19. texasfishingforum.com lakeforkmarina.com tackleunderground.com luremaking.com
  20. All the above. If you are playing in a s-l-o-w scramble golf tournament and you throw your spinner bait rod in your golf bag because you will have time to make a few casts. If your first hour at work is spent catching up on four different fishing forums.
  21. 24% which is about right since I guessed on EVERY question.
  22. I really hate to agree with a Moo grad but I think you have it nailed down. It will definately be an interesting next three weekends.
  23. Impressive 10 pt. victory over the Gorillas the other day. Pitt. St. lead most of the way till the last 10 minutes when they had the 'deer n headlights' look on em. Oh well, we didn't look that great against UMKC either.
  24. Not sure about starting but, I do believe he will get a LOT more playing time. Jackson still seems lost at times but shot is developing nicely. With Collins and Rush out it well give Reed and Stewart a bunch of minutes which will be helpful later in the year.
  25. I couldn't have said it better. After watching a couple of games, our inside is not that good yet. Freethrows are called "FREE" for a reason. Why can't we hit em? Watched Pitt St. lead the kitties for most of the game the other day, wow! Beasley is probably the real deal, but they looked pretty bad as a team.
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