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ring fry

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About ring fry

  • Birthday 10/16/1953

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    Pittsburg, Ks.
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  1. Love this lake!! If time and $$$$ works out, I'm in. Haven't been there in a year and a half and am ready to go back. If it's in the fall, winter or early spring I'm in. Did I mention...........................I'm in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SE Kansas grass grower
  2. Have worked at golf course for 40+ years. Used to play every day. Played mini tours for a few years and a couple PGA Tour events. Played once two years ago, three times last year and played last Tuesday. Birdied 3 of the last seven to shoot 85. Still won 50 bucks. Better to know how to gamble than know how to play!!!!!!!!!!!! SE Kansas grass grower
  3. Oh oh, I've been busted! Yes, for 12 years. Fill me in..... SE Kansas grass grower
  4. Sounds like y'all had a pretty good trip despite the weather. Glad I could point you in the right direction on a couple pits. SE Kansas grass grower
  5. I think I saw y'all heading south on the bypass about 6:15 this morning. SE Kansas grass grower
  6. Sorry, didn't see any notification. Left you a short reply, have to get back to work. Will give more details later. SE Kansas grass grower
  7. When it gets closer to time, drop me a PM. SE Kansas grass grower
  8. ROCK CHALK!!!!!! SE Kansas grass grower
  9. No Dook and no Jimmer. ;D ;D Dookie V. might have to get someone to tell him who is left in the tournament. SE Kansas grass grower
  10. Don't care for Duke but, storming the court, really??
  11. Try google maps, acme mapper, or USGS.
  12. Anything but snot grass. SE Kansas grass grower
  13. Sounds like it's time for a Texas road trip.
  14. The largest bass was on a swim senko in about 2' of water north of the boat ramp. All the rest were caught in the discharge or on the large flat out in front of the discharge on a squared billed crank bait or red eyed shad.
  15. Got there about ten this morning. 33 degrees with no wind and not a cloud in the sky. Left about two having a pretty good day. Two smallies with the largest one at 15", 6 LM with the biggest 5# 8 oz., 7 whites, one walleye and one channel. Get out and fish. And POST A REPORT!!!! SE Kansas grass grower
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