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About river-rat

  • Birthday 03/31/1952

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Baton Rouge, LA
  • My PB
    Between 11-12 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Atchafalaya Basin, Miss. River Oxbows

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  • About Me
    Bass Fishing for 60 years

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Community Answers

  1. Beginning in March and through the post spawn I always have a floating jerk bait tied on. I’ll also use a Hub’s Chub Rattalur in gold or solid black. After post spawn I’ll use a Swithwick Devils Horse, frog, or buzz bait.
  2. I'm 5' 11". And I'm 100% Sicilian. Both sets of my grandparents came into the USA through New Orleans, LA (where I still have a ton of family). My wife and I are leaving for Sicily and Italy next month for an extended visit.
  3. Their are only two things that control a bass - the spawn and their food source. A bass doesn't care how hot or cold it is, it's all about the food that controls him. I was taught "find the food, find the bass." It's like the old adage, if you want to learn about the owl, study the mouse.
  4. Catt, I missed this too. Lifting you up and praying for you to be completely healed.
  5. I spent so much time in the swamps of the Atchafalaya Basin and on the Atchafalaya River during my teenage years and early 20's my Mom started calling me a "river rat".
  6. I have used several floating jerk baits including a Bagley Bang-O-Lure for years. I always change out the hooks for Mustad #4 KVD Triple Grip hooks. I'm using a 6 1/2' medium action casting rod with 14# test monofilament. With this set up I haven't noticed missing too many fish. No more so than than any other floating jerk bait.
  7. Right there with you.
  8. I completely forgot about Lake Chicot. It's located in Chicot State Park near Ville Platte, LA. At one time I fished there quite a bit, although not so much in the past 6-7 years. I have caught several 5-9 lb. bass but you really have to work for them. Like BayouSlide said it can be kind of stingy at times. It's a beautiful place to fish. It was stocked with Florida Bass for several years up until 2021. Stocking efforts now are focused on native largemouths. The drive from New Orleans would be about 30 minutes longer than going to Lake Fausse Point State Park. As far as I know the park is still well maintained and has cabin rentals, hiking trails, and a primitive campground.
  9. You won’t have any problems with that plan. As I said you have the right idea as far as tackle. Good luck.
  10. Living in Baton Rouge and with my family having a camp near the Atchafalaya Basin my whole life (I'll be 73 soon), I would be hesitant about taking a canoe into the Basin. Understand that to enter the Basin from the east side you first have to cross the Intercoastal Canal and there is always heavy barge traffic. And then once you cross the Canal, you would have to paddle a long distance to get to any decent water to fish. Success in the Basin is dependent on the water level which could be rising in late February and that's never a good situation. Just a suggestion, you might look at Bayou Segnette State Park. It's less than 20 minutes from New Orleans and you can find decent fishing without traveling too far from the landing. Your choice of tackle would work well in the area. If you're dead set on going into the Basin, email me and I can give you more details. Let me know the dates you will be down here. Maybe we could arrange a trip and I could take you in my boat.
  11. I have been using the same two jointed Jitterbugs for more years than I can remember. Both are 5/8ths oz. in solid black, and frog with a yellow belly.
  12. I use the following Zoom Lizards mostly Black/Blue Tail Junebug Watermelon/Red Glitter I also still have a big supply of the old Fliptail Lizard in black and will use this either weightless or Texas rigged.
  13. I have used Oldham's jigs almost exclusively for over 25 years and can assure you they are first quality products. Terry Oldham makes three jigs that each costs under $5.00 and there is nothing cheap about any of them. Eye-Max Jig (best grass jig on the market in my opinion) - $4.75/each Trailer Hitch Jig (flipping and casting jig) - $3.75/each Oldham's Football Jigs - $4.00/each There are 24 different color combinations to choose from. If you're interested, you would have to call the company and speak with Terry to place an order. I can assure you that you will not be disappointed in the product. Here is a link - oldhamjigs.com
  14. Living in south Louisiana, I don't have much choice but to fish shallow water year round. About the deepest I ever fish is 8-9 feet and that's only when I'm fishing in one of the few Mississippi River oxbow lakes I frequent.
  15. At 72 my balance is not as good as it once was so I keep my Mustang inflatable on all day. And, I have two rules if someone wants to fish with me in my boat. #1 - You will wear a life jacket when the outboard is running. #2 - There will be absolutely no alcohol of any kind in the boat while fishing. No exceptions.
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