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Everything posted by Pbkiller123

  1. It had a three bank setup the engine was cranking but not turning over. there was 2 foot rollers with thirty mile per hour winds. We did not deploy the anchor although looking back on it I wish we had. While trying to use the trolling motor it was eneffecitve due to the winds and at that point the paddle useless was too. The engine never went under water luckily.
  2. good to know you are proably right. So when I get the boat back what should I start by doing besides draing gas and oil and replacing batteries
  3. good to know. So what should I do now in terms of fixing the boat
  4. We never received a bill for the month they said.
  5. So last week I was fishing and lost power to the motor and trolling motor. Then we got washed up against a rip rap dam, the boat ended up getting waves thrown over it and partially sinking it most of the back went under beside the motor. The boat is a 17 foot bass tracker tx its a 1994. What all should I do once we get it back in terms of salvaging it. The hull is OK. P.S. We got everything valuable off before it sank
  6. Blue Nasser I was ripening mine on the main channel by Ozark barbaque. I got stuck in the trough of a 3 footer
  7. Hey guys I currently have 175tx it's a 94, we ride it on the lake of the ozarks and it is ruff. If you know anything about lake of the ozarks you know that on most days down their 2-4 footers are expected. So my question too you is what's a good boat for bass fishing for that ruff of water, I'm looking that will ride kind of smooth and has a deck
  8. Hello, my names is Jackson I have been bass fishing for around a year and I live in Missouri. I was wondering what the best way to start tournament fishing is. I don't really understand all the different leagues. I'm 15 so I can't join a bass fishing club and my school does not have a bass fishing team and they are not willing to do one because of liability. I do own a tracker 17 tx
  9. Fluor leader material is very very stiff. I would recommend getting some cheap Berkeley vanish, you can pick it up for 8 bucks in a 200yd spool
  10. So I've been fishing out of 94 17 tx for a month or so here's my opinion. It lacks storage by a long shot and like any aluminum boat it will get blown around a lot. I am envious of heavy glass boats because of this. But at the price point they are at you cant beat them at all. If you need to go fishing on a low budget that's what your should buy
  11. It's not truely broke, it just noisy.
  12. Does anybody here have any experience with bass pros return policy. I have the recipet and box. But I can't return it until after my fishing trip this weekend, and I need it for he trip
  13. Okay sweet I'll take it back tommrow.. I bought it and was like well this sure doesn't live up to the hype
  14. So I just went to bass pro and bought my self a plunger supreme. I feel it at the store and the reel feels fine when I feel it but heir was a little bit of abrasiveness to it, but nothing major. I brought it home and reeled it for a little bit and it just started to get worse and wose. Now when I reel it is very noises. Is this normal for these reels? Thanks, Jackson
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