My "That guy" is that guy for most of the town. Theres a small circle of friends who work the oilfield and spend our off time fishing religously. Once we get on the fish we share some info with each other because we arent always able to fish together with work schedules, and after 28 days in another country the fish tend to move. Well theres this one guy who sees the pictures we post of us fishing and will instantly ask not only where we caught or what we caught on, but he wants to know if it was shallow, clear, muddy, how many boats were in that spot, What presentation you used, what color underwear you ha don, and so on. We arent greedy and hoard spots from everyone, but geeze if your going to hold claim to being a good fisherman learn how to find fish on your own like we all do. If it wasnt for his daddy and friends I'm not sure he would know where to fish at all.