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Everything posted by fromTHEbank

  1. You always have the option with the Hobie to remove the mirage drive and just paddle.
  2. Thanks everyone for responding! Like I said, been only to one lake and never on a river with my kayak.Worried about getting in the right spot and not ruining me yak, plus I don't want to die going down some rapids or whatever the river has to offer a newbie. If anyone wants to get out there sometime just PM me or if you have any tips, I'm down for any help I can get.
  3. Hello People of MD! I have a Hobie Pro Angler and have only fished Black Hills. I would like to try the Potomac but don't know where to go. I live in Germantown and would prefer somewhere in that area. Anyone know any good spots to put in? I use a trailer and would like to use a boat ramp. Any help would be appreciated.
  4. Noob here.... I have fished a few times at Swains Lock and have had some good luck l, but just small fish, but super fun. I also caught a snakehead there recently. Ill post a pic once I figure it out. Are there any other areas on the canal that are similar to Swains?
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