which combo would you get out of these two??
thanks alot
ok well i fish a spring (to small for boats) call bennett springs...well any way they get ALOT of fishing and stock alot of fish...well in the stream you can gut and fellit your fish and throw the guts and skins in the water..and the trout go into feeding frenzy mode...what i like to do is jig a whit (or any "gut" colored jig off the bottom where i can see it..dont worry i'm not chuming...its just like a lonely piece of gut rolling off the bottom and they just pound it..another bait they like is those small Rebel crawdad crankbaits... another is a rooster tail or road runner.... good luck.. hope this helps!
All right heres the deal:
my bassmaster magizine membership has just ran out..so i was searching for a renual paper.... well i found one and then i found a new membership paper.....to renue my existing account it costs 25$ and comes with a hat,line, and a lure (i think)...well to get a new member ship, it costs 15$ and comes with a tackel bag... so i guess i'm wondering why does the renual cost more than a new membership?....and can i just get the new membership with the same name?......thanks alot
ok i am doing a project on "Fisheries Biologist"... its a career project and i need to know a bunch of facts....well my problem is that there are some questions that i have to answer that cant be found on the web. and i would need a person to talk to for answers..so if you are a fisheries biologist or know about fisheries biologist and have time to answer a few questions, it would be great.....Thanks
I live in missouri and i wish some day, that a world record bass comes out of Table Rock Lake....but i think the next record will come out of lake El Salto
I too like the fat albert....but if you want to try something new....cut a zoom brush hog in half (or just use the whole thing) and use the bottom half as the trailer...it works great
rock,punk,inde,emo,acoustic,metal,classic rock, any thing with a gutiar and/or drums.... i would have to say my 2 favorite bands are Chiodos and Story Of The Year...but no rap
u know that this has actually worked for me....but only i made my own...what i did is get a jar, tie a cinder block to the jar, put a flashlight in the jar, seal the jar, then let it sink to the bottom around a dock and tie a string around a dock cleat....and there you go....it actually works in night and day.
well i actually cought a 8 pound striper yesterday...boy what a fight...took my line out abot 100-150 yards...i was runnin out of line, but it was fun.. i cought in on my first cast with a crank bait that looks exactly like this one http://www.basspro.com/servlet/catalog.TextId?hvarTextId=51819&hvarTarget=search&cmCat=SearchResults .....i made a post about my fish..but it looks like it got deleted... :'(
allrity, kind of a stupid question, me and my friend were argueing wether on a small lake where the deepest part is 35 ft, where would the biggest bass be hiding??just though id ask
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