Good for you for wanting to learn how to play! I've only been playing for about 3 years, but I'll tell you that it's one of the best decisions I've ever made. I started out like this: My sister got a strat for Christmas one year and she never played it. She would always catch me messing around with it and be mad at me for it. Finally, I realized all she was using it for was a decoration piece for her bedroom :. I stole it, locked my door, and taught myself a Blink-182 song in just a few hours.
I forced myself to play and locked myself in my room, and then it all just kind-of came to me. After that I updated to an acoustic (Ibanez AEG), and it was great. I still love playing it just because it has such a crisp sound. Since then, I've updated my inventory with a Hamer, PRS, and a 12-string.
In summing it up, just force yourself to learn (there are lots of websites that can help you with this process), learn how to read tabs, and get a good guitar (why would anyone want a cheap one?).