Someone needs to fess up to it, so here I go.
I've flipped a full kayak. In 40 degree water on a 70 degree day. Your PFD is the most important piece of equipment you can own. I wasn't worried about drowning, hypothermia and a heart attack had me scared. Being a floating corpse. I flipped in trying to adjust my Native Slayer's great seat to the lower position. It happened quickly. In 9 feet of water on a windy day. The yak stayed upside down and there was no getting back in it, I tried. Instead I side stroked to shore, thankfully only twenty yards away. However, I had just dropped anchor. So I'm dragging yak......and anchor to shore. I got it all there, composed myself, and flipped it back over. I was wearing layers, chest waders, windbreaker.
I lost five rods. All G Loomis and Shimano reels. I was able to retrieve one days later by dragging the bottom. Total loss was approximately $2K. My Lowrance survived great, my yakattack crate was strapped in and CLOSED, my phone (in a dry box) was safe, as was the rest of my tackle in plano boxes. Scared a year off my life.
I relay this because it can happen to you. Will one day. WEAR YOUR PFD ALWAYS. Strap in everything, leash everything, containerize everything. When you use something or change baits close the container and secure it before you cast. Have a dry bag with dry clothes, matches, etc. Wear bright colors, have a flag if you kayak wear powerboats or speeding traffic share the water with you. Water proof flashlights. Think flip and plan flip. You may be the most careful person but mother nature or a power boater have it out for you.
I love yak fishing. But I learned a hard lesson. It will happen. Be prepared!!!