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Alan Reed

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Everything posted by Alan Reed

  1. I take a pack of Fiorucci Panino Salami and cheese rolls, and Welch’s fruit snacks. I also have a tournament tradition that I take 6 pack of Hostess powered donuts that I eat after I catch my first fish for breakfast.
  2. No, but it was 25 degrees this morning. Water temp is still in the 50’s in Southern Indiana where I’m from.
  3. Do you know how to communicate with fish? Just drop them a line!!!!!
  4. I am rightwhere you are as this is my second year fishing. I have there are two really good methods on how to do this. 1. Depending on the area you like it might not be feasible to open water fish year round. That is a great time of year for research. Learn about techniques, learn how to break down a body of water. 2. When you can be out fishing, do it. Time on the water is where you take the skills you have learned and mesh then all together. Take note as to what works where, when did it work, and most importantly why.
  5. I guess I was including bait shops as locals.
  6. Has anyone heard anything about a redesign of the Powerpro MaxQuatro? I have been using it all year and when I was talking to someone about it they said many people had issues with the current design and they were looking at a redesign. this has become one of my favorite lines but wanted to know if this was true.
  7. What do you think truely separates one rod from another? I don’t want think to turn into a brand or warranty discussion. I am strictly taking about performance. Obviously sensitivity is a huge part, so how do you judge that when you are comparing rods?
  8. They are a decent rod for someone that only fished a few times a year. No reason for them to have a $100-200 rod when they are likely just out for a good time and to drink some beer.
  9. Which one makes them more of a household name? I would say more people know the names of Classic winners more then they know AOY.
  10. When preparing for a tournament that is several hours away how much do you rely on locals? If you do how much trust do you put into what they tell you?
  11. Welcome from Indiana!!!
  12. Good one, lol!
  13. I’ve seen several people do that. They tie the small kayak to the back of the larger fishing kayak. Not a good idea on a river with current but a lake it isn’t an issue.
  14. Ned Rig I fish 1/10 pretty much exclusively. One thing I found for my waters is I have much better success with the weedless version. Otherwise I’m always get caught up. The river was really bad because the current would get me hung up.
  15. I’m in
  16. I use a Garmin 73SV on a Radar 135. I have been using this set up the entire year and haven’t had any issues with dropping the Transducer low enough to use the side imaging without issue. Here is how I dropped the transducer off the bottom of the POD.
  17. Fished Monroe Saturday with some friends. It was tough fishing. Of the 4 of us I was the only one to catch any. I caught my first hybrid striper and a nice 6 lb LMB along with a few smaller ones. The water temp was in the mid 50’s with some wind creating some current around the weeds.
  18. Weather is looking good for the weekend, who getting out?
  19. You sounds very similar to where I was a year ago. I decided to go with a Radar 135. It is big enough to carry lots of stuff. You have the option of pedals or not, the seat has a high low adjustment. Can accept pretty much any modification I can think of. I got mine in March and have loved every minute of being on it.
  20. Not sure why that was deleted. This summer I have been very busy fishing not much time on the internet. I fished three Kayak series, finished top 10 in each, fished the KBF Monthly tournaments, and qualified for KBF Nationals on Kentucky Lake in March, fished KBS Classic which is their national Championship on Gunterville in September and finished 9th in the nation. The AOY sealed everything up for a really good year.
  21. I have to thank all of you that have offered me advice and *** over the past 2 years. This was my second year fishing and first year kayak tournament fishing and this last weekend I captured the Southern Indiana Yak angler Klub (SIYAK) 2017 Angler of the year. The input I have gotten from this group has greatly accelerated my learning, so Thank You!
  22. Don’t kissing fish but will thank the big ones.
  23. I've attached the link to the site that lists the properties that require a non-motorized permit. They are $5. I do not believe there are any rivers or creeks that require the sticker. http://www.in.gov/dnr/parklake/5058.htm
  24. It is really good frogging. Caught this one on a horny toad. White river was good to me yesterday. Caught several good ones. Hopefully the rain will stay away this week for a good tournament on Saturday.
  25. On the hunt for some big smallies on the White River on the Northeast side on Indy today. Been catching some good fish down in the Columbus area over the past week.
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