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Everything posted by Ktho

  1. I tend to go with a small paddletail like a 2.8 or 3.3. I've been meaning to try a more dead-action trailer but haven't wanted to stray from whats been working for me.
  2. Underspins work really well at pretty much all the lakes. I've done well at Perris and DVL with them, I'm sure they'd do well at Skinner too and I've seen some nice videos of them killing em at Canyon Lk. The SD lake bass like them too Dixon, Wohlford, Murray, El Cap, San V, Otay etc. The trick is really just finding what depth they're at and then using the right weight head accordingly. The retrieve itself is a pretty simple slow wind.
  3. I love the CoolBaits underspins. I normally use the 3/16th with a 2.8 but if it's 10' and under I like the 1/8th a lot better. It does seem to work best swimming really, really slow. It still looks good moving faster but I don't get bit.
  4. All the urban ponds I've fished down here all have their own personality and what works well one place is a lot of times only meh at others. For the truly shallow featureless ones I like a senko, drop shot, small swimbait or lipless/squarebill or ned rig.
  5. Drop shot a really soft worm like a reins bubbling shakers 4" or roboworm 4.5", or something similar. Straight tail, fairly slender and little movement seems to work really well in clear pressured water where they aren't locked into cover.
  6. I don't measure it or anything but yeah I like it around 9" and I'll fish it in any depth. It's just one of the things that's worked really well for me in all kinds of different places here in Socal. Shows how much I know about others I guess. I've just seen a lot of stuff about the tag being just longer then the length of the worm and when fishing with guides they liked it real short like 4"-5". Maybe it's a regional difference or something.
  7. Lol 20-26ft isn't even that deep for a lot of us
  8. You try a weightless senko, thin senko or Ika?
  9. I'm pretty much solely a bass fisherman. I fish saltwater bass too but either way if it's a bass I'm gonna target it. Other fish just don't interest me, there's something magical about bass fishing, i'll love it til death.
  10. Well I pretty much never fish a drop shot vertically, didn't know that was a thing until recently. My tips are light sinker, like 1/8oz. Also I prefer to have the bait a good 9"+ away from the sinker, which I've also found out is a lot longer than many people recommend but it's so killer. For the actual retrieve I cast it out let it hit bottom. Wind in most of the slack and then shake the slack barely just trying to shake the plastic but not move it. Then I'll just drag it slowly to move it and repeat. Whether from shore or on a boat casting it like that is money.
  11. Haven't tried the Xpod but the Giant Dog walks really well and really easily
  12. I keep it pretty simple, in water like you described I'd use red and chart/black back.
  13. Statement still stands. You'll never know the weight of a fish you didn't weigh. Pick a number that sounds good in your head and go with that if it must have a weight, it's the same thing has having random internet strangers pick a number out of the air.
  14. Me too. If you care about the weight so much buy a $10 scale and weigh it
  15. it's a known result. Z-man plastic doesn't play well with other plastics, heat, or the dyes.
  16. For small jerkabaits i like the LC 65SP but it doesn't get bit better unless thats what they want, the Vision 110 is a killer lure and so is the JR. It's nice to have all the bases covered as far as size goes.
  17. Fish it just like you would if it was only one swimbait. Pretty much just a straight retrieve for me. Fish it outside weeds edges, over weeds or brush, points, ledges, open water pretty much anywhere.
  18. I've always used Kalin's beads
  19. The blades work because of water resistance. For the most part the bigger the blade the more resistance.
  20. Rods and Reels it really depends on what it is. Something like a brand new Chronarch could get like 80% retail, decent gear thats obviously used will be like 50%. A $60 baitcaster that's been used a bit might only be worth like $20. When it comes to lures and tackle the best bet is to keep it all together and refuse to separate it or you won't sell it all. I'd just split it into lure categories, rods and reels sell better separately.
  21. I like Seguar blue label for 12lb+
  22. Reins Bubbling shaker 4", 5" and 7" - mainly drop shot and Trig 6" Roboworm straight tail - Trig Keitech Fat swim impact 2.8" and 3.8" Keitech crazy flapper 3.8" - Trig Strike King structure bug - Trig Netbait Baby Paca Craw - Trig and trailer Zoom Superfluke Slim Senko and Senko 5" Finesse TRD - ned rig Pretty much it for soft plastics this year
  23. Reins Ring craw has some meaty claws on them
  24. in addition to jigheads swimbaits on underspins and A-rigs are great this time of year through winter!
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