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Everything posted by Ktho

  1. I primarily use the Cousins Raze series freshwater rods. I really really like them and I have 5 so far, I have a couple saltwater sticks of theirs too and love em. The blanks are handmade and wrapped in Huntington Beach, CA. What do you want to know?
  2. I really like the P-line Shinsei fluoro, I mostly use braid to fluoro and it's done good to me. I've had good experiences with the Halo and fluoro clear line in 4lb and 6lb and I like the cxx for mono. I've never really liked fluoro as a mainline above 8lb so not the best help there.
  3. Keitech 2.8" swing fat impact, it's just the bait that I was taught with when first using Cooley's Cool Baits. It's a finesse deal so I usually use a Light 7' spinning rod and 5lb or 6lb line.
  4. Keitech Swing Impact Fat
  5. It took me a good 5 or so outings until I got the pedal down so I'm not over correcting everywhere. I have a Minn Kota with ipilot, way too many things it can do so it'll take a long time to master the remote control. I got one of the Terrova pedals as well, I don't really worry about continuous vs momentary because it's so easy to turn it off and on
  6. I swing on that first bump. That bump usually means the fish has inhaled the bait and while they will hold on to a senko for a long time, I don't want to be throat hooking fish. I've got a few Senko fish lately, I've gotten a couple different bite types. i've gotten a single bump, a tap tap, a big hit, and then there is the no-feel bite. Not feeling the bite is just one of the bites, sometimes you know because you can feel pressure when you go to make your first movement or because your line rises in the water as they inhale it and move with it.
  7. If I was lucky enough to burn through plastics it probably wouldn't matter as much which ones I used.
  8. I bought em cause I love using Vike tungsten weights and figured their force beads should work well with their other product. I don't get it either, they're magnetized and there doesn't seem to be a way to make it so they repulse each other which would be rad, they only attract each other. I've caught fish with them on there but I've switched to glass cause it easily achives the desired effect. At least the force beads cost less than a buck.
  9. They come in at basically the same price and look almost identical, don't see any reason for the SK to usurp Keitech in my tackle box.
  10. Wind slow, like really slow and then slower still. 90% of the time i'm fishing a swimbait whether a keitech, glide bait or Hudd it takes a slow crawl with a low gear ratio reel 5.5:1 to get the desired action and bites. Storms seem cheaper or whatever but they are good lures, a lot a lot of my swimbait fish came on Storms until they changed my favorite one the 4" Bluegill so I found other stuff to use.
  11. The most I use is 5. Typically at any one time for me there are really only like 2-3 effective lures/presentations so I have more than I need. It would be nice to have more just to have stuff tied on to check things out and I do plan on getting another setup. Baitcasting: 1 for texas/carolina 2 for jig/reaction baits 1 for big swimbaits Spinning: 1 for finesse stuff like dropshot, shakyhead, slim senko, underspin etc.
  12. Ned Rig 1/15oz, Keitech 2.8" with a 1/16oz jig head and a SK Red Eye 3/4oz. I've been shore pounding after work and doing pretty well.
  13. Ktho


    The Paca craw has 3 sizes, It's hollow body so floats up a little bit and the claws are decent size with lots of action. Paca Slim is not hollow, slimmer profile and the claws are smaller with a little less action. The chunks are just like the Paca craw but made for being used solely as a trailer.
  14. A calcutta is way better than a cardiff imo. I use a TE. I use low profile for everything but big swimbaits, I really do think round reels are better because of line capacity and spool size, the desired gear ratios are easier to get as well.
  15. Calcutta 300 or 400, 400 preferred. I'd match it with a Phenix ultra swimbait 800H
  16. I don't know anything about OCD but I use rods that are all made by one manufacturer. I like it because they all have the same feel, they're made from the same material, have the same handles etc. it's consistent and I like it that way.
  17. Cutting the copoly and FC will hurt the ability for the Boomerang or any braid cuter to cut braid. The mono/fluoro tweaks them and they just don't cut the same after that.
  18. Are you cutting mono or fluoro with them? The short snips have worked a lot better for me than the longer ones too.
  19. The Boomerang snips are the best, I've had much better experiences with them than with scissors or pliers with braid cutters.
  20. I've never matched line size to a hook before. Without knowing what plastic and cover you're fishing it's hard to know if it'll work or not. On paper there is nothing wrong with 10lb and a 5/0 hook.
  21. The adjustment is done via a dial on the sideplate. You can open it up but there is no internal adjustments. The ones that have magnets and centrifugal the dial is for the magnets and there is an internal adjustment needed for the centrifugal. Lews are my favorite reels by far, they have all exceeded my expectations.
  22. Fish love them. I've caught trout, bass and catfish all on the trig fishing those.
  23. "I would love to promote and teach anglers of all age about your line of products and I would love to donate my time and services to any of your company’s needs." I'd change this to a more present tense. Rather than saying you would promote if you got sponsored, it should be coming across like it's something you're already doing and want to do more. A lot of the background information on you is good but like others have said is better reserved for a cover letter. The tournaments you fish and the places you've finished are good but what's really important is the exposure. Having a picture published or an article written about the product is more valuable than a top 3 finish or a win. Placing well helps establish credibility but it's not what moves products unless you're winning Classics or major events. " I will also promote you on my social media sites which are as followed: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and National Pro Staff(NPS)." The most important thing is the exposure and I don't see it listed. How many followers, whats your engagement? The measurable's are what's important. It's already a given you'll promote sponsors so just tell them about who it's reaching and how many people. Just remember Pro Staff is promotional staff, promotion is #1 and everything else is second for the most part.
  24. I honestly wouldn't worry about the lures nearly as much as finding spots to fish. If the weather has gotten cold like that I find the bass are going to associate very closely to cover. You need to be fishing right on the brush or timber, rocks etc to get bites. They're less likely to be moving around through transition zones and most likely holding to that medium to deeper depth staging. Depending on the lake the lake could fish extremely small so finding spots is going to make a giant difference. Whether it's prepawn, spawn or postspawn there are going to be some fish hanging in or near that cover along the way.
  25. I've been catching fish on shallow weedlines under 4ft with a 2.8" keitech and 1/16thoz jig head, brush piles on points 10-15ft near some deeper 20ft+ water with a keitech 2.8" and a 3/16oz cool baits underspin and with a small variety of jerkbaits in some flats 4-6ft.
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