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Everything posted by 2tall79

  1. 1. Wind 2. Shallow boat ramps 3. Jet/water skiers 4. Introduction of smallmouth to a traditionly largemouth fishery 5. Wind
  2. Sorry, Meant Silver Lake, Cowlitz County. Used to be the premiere largemouth fishery in the state. After the introduction of the carp.....not so much.
  3. "Grass carp ruined my home lake." Silver?
  4. We had a state tournament on the Columbia many years ago. Had to have a Washington and Oregon license if you were going to fish both sides. I was able to get a 3 day Oregon license for the dates of the tournament, so not so bad.
  5. When ABC was to air a "rally the troops' show after the start of the war, this was set to be the opening number until Peter Jennings.....a Canadian, vetoed it stating that it was inappropriate.
  6. I remember exactly where I was when I heard that Elvis had died. I will remember this day in much the same way. Toby has left the building.
  7. Rebel broken back minnows have caught more bass for me than any other lure I've thrown in the last 30 years. It is the most versatile bait I own. On one cast it can be a topwater, shallow running crank bait, jerk bait, or wake bait. Topwater is my choice for big fish.......both small and large mouth. I like to scour Ebay for some old ones and swap out the trebles paint 'em up the way I like.
  8. I recommend that you pick up a copy of Roland Martin's "101 Bass Catching Secrets". He is pretty much the father of pattern fishing. First published in 1982, I still refer to it often.
  9. Not sure if this has been suggested but......the more you fish them, the louder they squeal. You can accelerate the process by hanging it on your antenna on the way to the lake or in lieu of that, hang it in front of a fan in your garage overnight. I can't hear high pitched tones anymore, but my wife says the noise is very irritating, so I know it's working.
  10. I'm reading about a voice activated control attachment for a Motorguide Lazer 2...hmmmm.
  11. I actually went as far as buying one of those goose neck posts like he uses. I'm just having a hard time getting in position to move the foot control (recessed) back and forth. I think the remote idea may be the solution, however....my Fortrex is only a couple years old, so there's that.
  12. I'm to the point in my life (now 74) that if I want to continue to fish I need to do it sitting down. I've experimented a little with different poles and different seats but working the foot peddle is just extremely awkward. I'm sure there are other old pharts on these boards who have faced similar issues. How did you manage? I fish solo so back seat is not an option. Thanks
  13. "I've had bass hit my lure even before it hits the water, and the time it takes to change hands may cause a lost bite." Me too. My PB smallie snatched a spinnerbait out of the air before it touched water.
  14. "Get away from my dock!"
  15. In 60 years, I've never lost a fish bigger than my PB.
  16. Kent Bassmasters. Back in ‘80’s
  17. I use to be in a club with Jeff Boyer back in the day....glad to see he's still active.
  18. I went out one hot August night . Launched my Polarkraft into the dark waters, pulled it up onto the beach and went to park my truck. When I returned, my stern nav light was a faint glow on the bottom of the lake. First and last time I forgot my plug. I won't boor you with the details, but I managed to get it back on the trailer after about an hour of trial and error. Lesson learned.
  19. https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Arsenal_Fishing_Stealth_Silicone_Tube_Shields_50pk/descpage-ASSTS.html https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/descpage-ANWTBPL.html Buy the tubing and make your own. Hook goes thru collar and worm perpendicular to bait. I can catch multiple fish on this rig before replacing.
  20. Sorry mods, should have listed in "Fishing Tackle" section.
  21. I know how effective a Red Red Eye Shad can be for smallmouth in the pre-spawn/spawn period. But what about largemouth? Are they equally as effective for them? I've been fishing for a good number of years but only recently have started throwing lipless. Thanks
  22. Frogs started croaking last night. Time to sharpen hooks.
  23. 6" Black Power Bait lizard....year 'round. Also, what I have left of 4" Mister Twister lizards in grape/ red flake.
  24. Got about 50.....throw 1.
  25. Never saw him flip once.....he's pretty good at pitching though.
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