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Everything posted by 2tall79

  1. Flow-Rite Drain Plug Boarding ladder Ratchet handle for winch Added step up to bow casting platform Always have a reserve battery for phone and jump start
  2. Think outside the box little. Some of the biggest fish I've caught...including my PB....were caught on a deep running crankbait in 4' of water.
  3. Always.....if it ain't broke....... Usually a Mister Twister 4" double -tail
  4. Could you post a pic? Thanks
  5. Thanks for all your suggestions.....much appreciated. I believe I'm going to order a Tracker Classic XL without the OB. I think it would be easier for my wife or son to sell after I kick. My question is.....if I put a 36V trolling motor on the bow and run it off of a single 36V lithium battery, should I run the Helix 10 (just one), Live Well, lights, bilge pump etc., off that battery or should I have a second 12V lithium for those? If the latter, what charger. Thanks Again.
  6. "Internal Combustion Motors Prohibited Fishing from a floating device with an internal combus- tion motor attached is not allowed regardless of whether the motor is in the water or not." Statewide Regs
  7. I'm going to be moving soon to an area that is dotted with lakes that have public access but do not allow internal combustion engines. Can any body show me a rig they use in this situation? I'm 75 YO so kayaks aren't an option. The lakes I'm most interested in do have concrete or gravel ramps. Also, The house we rented is a member of an HOA that doesn't allow boats to be parked in the driveway and my Ranger won't fit in the garage. So whatever I come up with will probably become my primary bass fishing machine. Thanks for any ideas. BTW.........Our state record LM came out of one of these lakes a few years ago.
  8. Ditto Gatortail worms. I know, I know, Zoom makes a G-tail but the colors are different and the tail doesn't "thump" like the original.
  9. Yakima Baits Hawg Boss Crankbaits (responsible for my PB), Original Mister Twister lizards, Rebel Jointed minnow in original patterns, BPS Spring Lizards, Mister Twister Slither Worms.
  10. If you want to learn more about the value of stealth in bass fishing, read anything by Doug Hannon. He pretty much invented it.
  11. Hey Glenn, great video. I notice you throw jerkbaits on a spinning rod. What line are you using? Thanks
  12. I've got to say that casting in general is at the top of my list. I've been bass fishing for over 60 years and I can't even come close to the things I see the pros doing. Over hand, under hand,left hand, right hand, roll cast, skipping, behind the back, long, short, flip, pitching......it just amazes me what a "kid" 1/3 my age can do that I can't. I guess I'll just have to keep practicing. lol
  13. Going in for elbow surgery Friday on my right arm. I'm going to button her up next week in case I don't make it back before the fall season. Surgery is nerve repositioning in elbow and carpal tunnel release. They're telling me 6-8 weeks before I can lift anything heavier than a coffee cup. Spring seems like a long way off. Oh well, at least football season is starting up.
  14. I do very well on Rapala Shadow Rap Shads. Mostly the Deep version.
  15. Obviously a topwater bite.
  16. Roland Martin tells of making 76 casts with a buzzbait before hooking fish that had swirled on his first cast. Obviously, that fish wasn't hungry......it was ticked.
  17. Great video Glenn. Really spot on. My biggest problem in fishing a weedy lake is keeping my trolling motor clear.
  18. Any local grocery store has a state certified scale....and a witness. I don't think the fish necessarily has to die.
  19. At 75 I feel your pain.....literally. My favorite lake has a lot of boat traffic and just staying in the boat is a challenge. My calf muscles have all but disappeared and as hard as I work to bring some of that back, it's not working. Sitting down while bass fishing is not how I want to spend my time on the water. I have experimented with different lean/sitting devices and may have found a compromise that will work for now. My back pain is also an issue that compounds the problem. That being said....I'm going to keep on going out 'til my kids confiscate my keys.
  20. I went out this morning and turned on my bow unit....a Helix 7 Chirp Sonar/GPS using the internal transducer in my Fortrex 80. GPS, time, mapping all worked fine but I had no info from trandsucer.....no depth reading, temp, etc. I had it out last week and it worked fine. Not sure where to start looking. Any ideas would be appreciated.
  21. Actual price is $36.....rest is tax, shipping.
  22. "I can't wrap my head around the $60 for a handle." It acts as a rachet which to me is worth the 60. The fact that I took a road trip without any tools adds to the embarrassment.
  23. I drove 100 miles to my favorite lake last week only to discover my winch handle was missing. Luckily there was a walleye fisherman on the ramp that had a cheap pair of channel locks so at least I was able to launch (and power load at the end of the day). It was a racheting type handle so it had some value....$60 bucks to replace, but I can't imagine someone stealing it while parked in my drive way. The alternative is somewhat terrrifying....it fell off on the freeway. Anyone else ever lose one?
  24. OK, so I've played around with frog fishing a couple of trips and I tried again yesterday with no joy. Could someone explain to me how to keep a hollow body frog, (Spro), from filling with water? Or is that expected? Thanx
  25. Of all the videos I watch online, yours are the most meaningful. Not only do we fish much the same water, but I can sleuth out your honey holes...lol. Seriously though, even after 65 years of bass fishing, still learn something from every one of your videos. Still waiting on one about jerkbaits however. Keep 'em coming.
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