Hey guys. I am back with a thread similar to one before, but it is different. This is more fishing in general rather than lakes. I'll start with my background on this one. Unlike some other fisherman, I really do not have a mentor to teach me the more advanced ropes of the sport. I am completely self-taught. Since I do not have this person, I have a little bit of a hard time getting water time to experiment different baits in different areas. I've tried to look for videos and forum posts to give me basics, but most of them are too specific. So here is my question. Imagine you are pulling up in a boat to a new spot or fishing a new spot from a dock. You've never fished this spot or knew anything about it. What baits would you try? What would make you want to try out these baits? (natural elements: vegetation, rocks, etc.) I know from experience that fisherman keep their very best setups a secret, so be as specific as you want. All replies are appreciated and have a great day.