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Everything posted by Sbauer

  1. Regrinds are the extra shreds left over of plastisol from the molding the process that some companies grind up and resell. I like them opposed to buying actual plastisol and color because regrinds already have color and glitter and are generally a cheaper investment.
  2. Hey guys. I've been pouring my own baits for a while now using regrinds I've bought from a small tackle shop that just went out of business. I've searched google for a while but I can't find anywhere else that sells these. Do you guys know of a place that sells such?
  3. Hey thanks for the reply. Glad to see there are others out there just like me. Good luck to you too!
  4. I fish mainly man made lakes and really all over midwest no real one spot. Thanks for reply
  5. Hey guys. I am back with a thread similar to one before, but it is different. This is more fishing in general rather than lakes. I'll start with my background on this one. Unlike some other fisherman, I really do not have a mentor to teach me the more advanced ropes of the sport. I am completely self-taught. Since I do not have this person, I have a little bit of a hard time getting water time to experiment different baits in different areas. I've tried to look for videos and forum posts to give me basics, but most of them are too specific. So here is my question. Imagine you are pulling up in a boat to a new spot or fishing a new spot from a dock. You've never fished this spot or knew anything about it. What baits would you try? What would make you want to try out these baits? (natural elements: vegetation, rocks, etc.) I know from experience that fisherman keep their very best setups a secret, so be as specific as you want. All replies are appreciated and have a great day.
  6. Ok that makes since. I hadn't though of it in that way, but it makes since now. Thanks for the reply
  7. Hey guys. As you may have seen by the title, I am coming here asking for a little bass advice on lakes. I'll start here. I kill bass in normal neighborhood ponds and larger ponds. I usually catch 5 or 6 good ones in an hour. This may not be great to you professionals, but it's great for me. I'll throw my same baits off docks or boats up against the shore on lakes and it just doesn't seem to work. My go to baits are the purple anise worm or Texas rig senko or craw. I do not know much about buzz baits, spinner baits, chatter baits, etc. Are these what I should be using? All tips and tricks are greatly appreciated. Try not to give me too much grief for asking about this, I am a student of fishing just like you were one time. I fish Midwestern lakes if that helps with the tips. Thanks
  8. No it wasn't a dip.
  9. Hey guys. Kinda have a little trivia question I guess. Ponds around here are really good for catfish in the fall, so I'm switching gears from bass. I decided I'd try this old bait I render seeing on YouTube. I went to research, but couldn't find it. This is what I remember. Some kids made this bait and supposedly caught a 99lb state record with it. The bait itself reminded me of a rubber eraser or sponge by what I remember it looking like, but I forget the name! Any help would be great.
  10. You guys having any early season luck? I feel like I'm fishing in the bathtub right now.
  11. I haven't had any luck where I am either.
  12. Hey guys. Recently, at the beginning of this season, I haven't been able to catch anything (especially bass) anywhere. Not even really getting bites or seeing fish. Anyone else having this experience? I've tried all my normal set ups, different ponds and lakes, and different baits.
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