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Everything posted by gtbehary

  1. I had all intentions of being there, but my mom passed away and I had to fly to Pittsburgh.
  2. I'm in Loxahatchee...plenty of water to fish.
  3. I always like to eat there and cast a few lures. There are some nice bass in that area. I believe that the Miami Subs is under new management.. I was dissappointed the last time that I was there because it wasn't open.
  4. Anything is better than this crazy work schedule that I have been on. I look forward to seeing all you guys and maybe bring a couple more fishing buddies along. I will ask Hale if he could make it, but I bet he will be a new daddy by the 16th...or very close to it! I can bring the burgers or sausage.
  5. Don, Maybe we can hit Grassy Waters when the wind dies down a bit. I am dying to get the canoe out. A little breezy right now. BTW: I hear that the snook are thick around the bridges during this rough weather!
  6. Just wondering if there will be a cool weather get together. I have been working long hours and have not picked up a rod in three months. Looking forward to burgers and bass at Okeheelee Park sometime soon. I am so mad that I was out of town for the last SF meeting there.
  7. I like the Native Ultimate. It is a stand up design with the tunnel hull. Look at the Freedom Hawk also.
  8. Has anyone used a Freedom Hawk stand-up fishing kayak? If so, what are your thoughts on it?
  9. Avid, I bought one of these (Basstender 10.2) at a yard/divorce sale. The thing was never registered because it was on a private pond. I bought it without any paperwork and now the state of Florida says that it can't be registered. I always thought that there was a way around this. Really sucks because it is a nice boat and it is just itting here at the house. One option is to "sell" it to a friend of mine in a state that doest require a title or Mfg Certicate of Ownership. Have him register it, then sell it back to me! George
  10. Tom, Looks like a great project but you may want to reconsider the stainless self tapping screws. When stainless and aluminum are used together, the metals react with each other and corrossion is the end result. Not good.
  11. If you can see it, you can use some rope with a metal ring on it. Snag on to one of the treble hooks. Plan B would be to send Hale in after it!
  12. Has anyone fished off the Pahokee Pier for specks (crappies)? I hear that it is pretty good.
  13. I have a small solar panel that I was going to use to charge a small garden tractor battery for my depth finder on my canoe. Should this work?
  14. For spinning, I prefer the vintage Shakespeare ultra lights (maybe because I am vintage myself). I just got into baitcasting and purchased a couple Shimano Cardiffs. I like the looks of the round reels.
  15. I think my problems are more "operator error" than equipment, but flourocarbon is very unforgiving. Mono is probably the best choice for me.
  16. Is this topic not appropriate for thiis forum??
  17. Well, I got mixed reviews on the 14# flourocarbon. I seem to get many mor backlashes which didn't make for a fun day. A lot of this was due to my poor techniques and higher than normal winds, but I couldn't get the tangles out. I had to cut them out. The reel with the 20# mono is much more managable. Maybe it is the small diameter of the flourocarbon. The reel is supposed to hold 125 yards of 14#, but it held over 225 yards. I am going to replace the line with stren and use the flourocarbon on my light spinning rod.
  18. Thanks for the encouragement. I am thinking of using those whie boat bumpers as the outrigger floatation divices. They already have two ends on them that can be fastened to the outriggers.
  19. I am going to be layed up at home for a while with a new hip. It seems as my canoeing days are numbered unless I can get into a more comfortable fishing position. I am going to design a removable one piece platform / outrigger set-up for the center of my canoe. I have looked at what is available commercially and am not impressed. I believe that a fisherman can design something better. Any ideas? This will be proffessionally built since I have a machine shop.
  20. I have a Shimano Cardiff 301 and really like it. I just purchased a new Shimano Cardiff 201 to give me something a little smaller. My 301 is loaded with 20 lb. mono. I decided to try 14 lb flourocarbon. I never used it before. Will this combo be alright?? Mainly throw plastics..worms, senkos and frogs, but will be throwing more spinner baits and small crank baits.
  21. I found out that Alex was in the operating room when they removed the cancer from my wife! Small world. Thanks Alex.
  22. Glad to see that I am not alone. So Hale, if you are reading this post, cranking with your left hand isn't a Yankee thing!!!!!
  23. I am glad to hear that I am not the only one. Why anyone would want to switch hands on every cast is a mystery to me.
  24. I have been a spin fisherman all of my 53 years. My fishing buddy talked me into my first baitcaster and I found that I was only comfortable with a left hand retreive. Any other right handers out there cast with their right hand and reel with their left hand?
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