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Everything posted by fisherguy12

  1. I was 8 years old and playing the my back yard. I live by Mcgwire AFB and I saw a commercal plane flying north-eastish. I thought to my self " thats weird" becuase commercal plans are really rare around here. That was like 8:25ish am. I started doing my schoolwork (i was homescholed) and next thing I know I heard the AFB scrambling all jets. I ran out side and seen a whole mess of all sorts of jets taking off and flying out in formation. Well of course I was having a time of my life watching all the jets, and I didnt find out for about half a hour what was going on. Whoops! Fisherguy12 was over my house a few days ago and signed in on my PC, thats why I'm under his name right now. ~Bucketmouthangler13
  2. i caught a 4lb LMB on a half of a 5" senko
  3. did you look at the products page http://www.hhfishingrods.com/home.php?cat=8 but yea i agree i was just seeing wether any one had used them or not cause i dont realy like how the loomis's look. but i have plenty of time cause im still saveing
  4. kick tail(live pointer type lure with 5 joints)the tail broke 2nd time using it
  5. who were you with?????
  6. ok thanks for the advise
  7. thanks for the comments but I only have the money for 1 spool,so what lbs test should i get to use on a spinning AND a baitcaster?
  8. yeah i'll probobly get the p-line braid
  9. How good is it? i'm thinking of buying some of it. dave
  10. i agree with sean. those are real nice
  11. yup always make sure your line and knot are good
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