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Everything posted by BD

  1. I know why they use those mats too........yeah good luck trying to hold onto one.....slippery is not the word. Carp fight good too.
  2. Wow, that was a cool post and info. Fuzzy. I hear they are real hard to catch, real smart etc etc, but I have caught 2 this last year on jigs. Saturday I caught a 6lb'er on a blue and black jig with a blackberry zoom jig trailer...........any idea why I keep catching them, when I am 'not supposedly' going too?? :-/
  3. Wild looking, thanks for posting.
  4. Very cool, and nice photo. I took some this weekend too
  5. BD


    Ark. would definitely work.
  6. You're able to slow roll any weight.
  7. I won't fish them and would not very often, even if I got them for free. Losing lures like that seems a waste. I think part of the high cost is importing them too, but who knows. dodgeguy is onto something, tackle continues to go higher and higher.
  8. That's a pretty pickerel.
  9. Wow, what a cool post! Those areas look amazing.
  10. Nice pic! Welcome.
  11. http://www.basspro.com/servlet/catalog.TextId?hvarTextId=15760&hvarTarget=search&cmCat=SearchResults # 9
  12. I caught most of my fish this weekend on spinners trailed with a rick clunn's firecracker trailer. That imho is a gorgeous trailer, perfect for clear water. You'll get them papa
  13. Congrats on your new PB
  14. How did you do?
  15. 7am-5pm. CST
  16. Honestly a "confidence" lure is not the right word to me. It boils down too "X" lure these people are referring too when they call it a confidence lure.......I call it a lure you like to use often. If you fish a lure more often, you'll be more proficient with it. Confidence by definition is "1. Trust or faith in a person or thing. 2. A trusting relationship: I took them into my confidence. 3. a. That which is confided; a secret: A friend does not betray confidences. b. A feeling of assurance that a confidant will keep a secret: I am telling you this in strict confidence. 4. A feeling of assurance, especially of self-assurance. 5. The state or quality of being certain: I have every confidence in your ability to succeed." I tell myself I will catch a fish today, and go from there honestly.
  17. Friday and Saturday I caught most fish SLOW rolling a spinnerbait across the bottom. I would bump it off wood/rocks, and they would smash it. I am using a terminator clear water patterned skirt. pinks, silvers, and whites type skirts.
  18. I am throwing for bigger bass only/solely. A 3lb'er to me is getting started.
  19. Would love to fish that place.
  20. 21 and then 30
  21. Take care everyone.
  22. Welcome to the club.
  23. I have noticed I catch a lot more bass with a craw trailer than w/o one. I guess I can see catt's point, or maybe we are thinking too much about it, and bass eat when bass want to eat. Tank animals for me, do not act "natural" since they are cooped up.
  24. No pics yet?
  25. Congrats! About how big do you think the fish would have went?
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