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Everything posted by BD

  1. CYA - cover your a... used on boats mainly. ;D
  2. This one is awesome too!
  3. If someone catches it, it's worth 5,600$ at 14lb's..i would be sick everyday this week and upcoming too, if i didn't live so far away.
  4. I would buy that plate in a second.
  5. Man I am pumped to see 400!!!
  6. pool therm.....
  7. Sounds good to me too.
  8. I would pick the day it might rain. Overcast and a day later as far as the warming goes. Plus if the front moves in, the b. pressure might drop to a good number.
  9. I only caught one pregnant female this weekend too. Finesse worms and jigs usually do well once they are holding tight to cover.
  10. Yes please do this
  11. Triton_Mike....can you email me that powerpoint presentation please? PM me for email. Thanks!
  12. Salamander.
  13. Ok this makes sense you locked the t/m down. I thought perhaps you were allowing them to sway from side to side freely..... I understand the rest. Thanks.
  14. I almost always cast overhead. Maybe I am not understanding the problem? :-/
  15. Mike I am confused on some things. Why are you using three trolling motors (Okay two on the back, I understand the front one ) Wouldn't the back two fight each other? 82lb thrust would throw you out of the boat from off to full on in one turn wouldn't it? lol Are the 6 batteries for all day use or more for big lakes? I am getting a jon boat for this one lake only, and I love the mod's as far as flooring etc, just curious on these things above. I have no need for a livewell, so I am not going to worry with this addition.
  16. Also (and not to sound brash at all) can we get some pictures from a non side by side from you all? Some of us don't have very expensive units. I guess basics of 'this is a creek channel' 'this is a road bed' etc are very helpful more over than side by side w/ GPS and all the other bells and whistles. I hope that made sense lol
  17. NOW that is exactly the stuff we need!! I am really wanting to see this thread become a sticky! Triton I am in OK, but I would LOVE to see the P.P.......can you email me the p.p.? I can then post a link to it.
  18. Flechero, PM me. I will host the pictures on my site for a month or so.
  19. Matt, great post, thank you.
  20. Man that's a deal!
  21. I am not so sure if it's they have 'perfect' vision per se, more that the way the objects reflect of their lenses. Kind of like a cat I guess..........maybe? :-/
  22. Fly, I have gathered you are without a doubt, someone I would love to tell jokes with and just cut up. At the same time though.......come on. (and I think you know what I mean) And truthfully I did laugh, but I know some people who, well............
  23. You've seen the rest, now see the best...........welcome aboard fellow angler.
  24. I got it at a garage sale. (.50 cents). Not a bad deal. When I get threw with the book would you like it? I can send it to you as soon as I finish it. I just started reading it today. I don't know if you can find it in a Library. It's worth a look and if you still can't find it let me know. And BTW, people like Bigtex is exactly why this forum is bar none, THE site, and also why more and more people should be like you Big.......seriously. When I am finished with the book he LENDS me, I will pass it on to whomever would like to read it as well.
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