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Everything posted by BD

  1. Sometimes being the bigger man is the hardest thing to do. I have some buddies who have no desire to learn to flip, or fish a jig, or learn to throw swimbaits etc. You do what you do, and they will follow, or find another way to catch fish. If they are not catching fish, don't keep asking them to go........
  2. It could work, but we would ALL have to have digital cable and pay for this channel monthly............and there would have to be ALOT of us paying......
  3. Someone asked how to make this is the background. What he meant to say was he minimized it, and when he heard something, he re-opened the window. Pretty cool, thanks for the link.
  4. I set up a jig with a big hammer 4" swimbait, and let me tell you, it moves just like the real deal. I bet it'll work. Try it!
  5. Plus your opponent is a wild animal..........food for thought.
  6. My take is this.........what if we found out, our hero's used drugs, what would that do? honestly? could be quite a bit. should they test? no. Another 'irony' it seems is people who have NEVER been fishing, always see fishing, as stupid, redneck, cruel, and any other thing you can think of. I tell my co-workers I fish, and it's a look of amusement really. I would love for these people to go fishing. It's a sport just like handing a ball to a person and he runs 1 yard......
  7. Ok mine are right now (and only because I know they fight hard.) Striper. my neighbor is going to take me this spring. Peacock bass. We honeymooned at los cabos, and I begged my wife to go....she said no lol Sturgeon. Tuna apparently fight like a caged monkey, so that's in. Marlin/swordfish whatever people call them. For now, this is all I really want to fish for....someone offers me a place to catch muskie, or something else, I am in however.
  8. Use Owner rig-n-hooks. (I prefer a 5/0) I can assure you, you won't need to sharpen them
  9. Use a heavy jig. Be careful selling them, transferring fish/animals from one body of water to another type deal.....
  10. They work indeed.
  11. Really? Now that's a shame, they look great!
  12. Ok I can see if not many viewers tuned in at 11am, but from 5-11 it used to be bass saturday. so they probably got rid of the shows, because 'no one' watched as they would put it. Well mark my words down, they'll replace it with something like cheerleading, or rugby, etc. How many fans of these sports are going to WAKE up to watch these sports, at 5am? Fisherman are already up. I hate to see something we love, get lumped in with other sports. ESPN2 should also be geared towards different sports, like MTV2 for music. Anyways, I am ranting.... RIP BASS Saturdays
  13. BD

    Skirts Plus ?

    No one's bought this kit to make your own jigs? :-/
  14. I still want to try these and the renosky's.
  15. I've been seeing them bust the top of the water too, and of course always to far from your casting lol. They are definitely eating this time of the year, so when you find them, it's on. casting parallel helps one by finding the ones on the bank, and two by bringing the fish up once they've seen your bait coming along.
  16. Anything shad looking now. Fishing now around here, is great. the dominators from reaction innovations have been working here pretty well.
  17. Yes I agree, that's a nice smallie.
  18. Anyone find a virus/spyware?????
  19. I see it going in a bad direction to be honest.....
  20. Wow! I have been 'big' crappie too....
  21. "Turtles" are not a nuisance, it's the snapping turtles that are. Others have also pointed out no need to purposely kill the ones you see, those aren't snapping turtles. Yes S.T.'s eat fish, so do bass and we all feel pretty strong about those who kill bass..... I also understand sometimes you catch S.T's, that's a different story when trying to remove a hook, most times you can't. Killing to kill is not right imho.
  22. They apparently are good for the eggs they carry. Those fish freak me out....
  23. Sounds fun, other than the rod breaking....
  24. Fan the jig's weedguard out.
  25. Stick them!
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