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Everything posted by BD

  1. I didn't disconnect anything. The horn works, this is completely seperate from the horn. My horn is 'glued' into the hull, this is something hanging down. I have a picture I can post tonight.
  2. Hi all, I am trying to identify a part that came on my boat. It's an 88 procraft. We went fishing (after MUCH rains) and the boat runs fine (and has been). We started the boat up after fishing most of the morning and it started 'buzzing' loudly. The sound is/(was...I'll explain in a minute) coming from this black circular speaker looking thing. We screwed the terminals down that connected to each polarity (black and red) and the noise stopped. Since then, my speedometer now works, when it didn't before. The engine still is peeing, no smells, and doesn't appear to be getting hot. Is that "speaker" a warning for something else (like heat), or for the speedometer, or for the impeller, or an aftermarket horn etc? I ask about the horn part because it took me 6 outtings to discover where my horn was. It's the old push button kind, and it was painted over to match the boat, so I never saw it. It's about 3 inches and only has ground, positive, and then a wire which I guess ties into the electrical system maybe? This part looks aftermarket. (i.e. it just hangs from under the console). Yes I am sure I'll get 10 replies stating to have it checked, but I don't want to pay the $65 an hour to have something looked at, when it may be nothing....follow me? Thanks for your help.
  3. I talked to a gentlemen yesterday about making a rod for me and he thinks he can. While talking about the details etc. he said he tapes the guides down and then wraps them in a nylon fabric. My question is, is that 'acceptable' practice? Other than that it will be an IM-8, 7-6 to 7-9 (not sure what I want just yet), one piece x heavy with blank thru handle, fuji guides, reel seat, and tip. I asked him to get the specs right on with the daiwa heartland as far as lure weight. Can you all also recommend what to be looking OUT for as far as this build? Thank you very much.
  4. If they suspend you can catch them with a drop shot, c-rig, or rat-l trap fish at "x" depth. If they stay shallow, you'll still be able to see them. If they move deep and sit on the bottom, then it's jigs, worms etc.
  5. I knew lakes could turn in spring too, hence why I was asking. I was more wondering about what temp. would 'make' the lake start it's process. a big lake like this.....it would take A LOT of rain to muddy it up all over the lake.
  6. Very nice fish!
  7. I watch.
  8. Congratulations sir.
  9. You'll be on them soon.
  10. So it's rain????
  11. It's good to be Chris
  12. Got me as well.
  13. BD


  14. Where is next years trip? FL?
  15. Go to the N/NW portion of the lake. Try and find grass ON the bank or growing CLOSE to the bank. (You can do this with texas rigged worms with heavy sinkers to catch the grass.) Can't find grass, then find COVER and shade on the bank somewhere. (Boat docks for example) Cast a worm by the shaded side or up on the bank at laydowns (bushes, sticks, branches in the water etc) There will always be shallow bass, and they will be on some of this cover. Water clarity will affect lure selection (or it does for me anyways.) Use something with vibration for 'stained' water. (Cranks, buzzbaits, spinnerbaits, chatterbaits etc.) How big is the pond/lake? Does it have any of the above COVER? Are there main points you can see, OR, from the bank see where a point could be? Do you see old car trails that lead to the waters edge? This could be an old road bed, fish those.
  16. Yesterday at the lake it sure looked like it was in the process of turning over. The lake has been ft down for a while. Water temps were around 66.7+ and it raised the lake a ft or more. I guess it could have been all the rain we've had has stirred the lake up, but I ran all over that lake, and everywhere I went there were nasty leaves coming up and the lake was brown (normally the lake is green and pretty clear) I saw bass all sitting out in the main channels around 17-29ft and suspended it looked like. I didn't see any late spawners, but again the water was murky too. The wind was around 8-10mph all day, and this lake is almost 200 acres. Do you think it's turning or rain really stirred up a 200 acre lake.....everywhere?
  17. Be VERY careful about adding anything to someone elses property!
  18. May God be with you and yours. Sorry for your loss.
  19. Geez, some replacement parts for things are out of this world $$ wise.
  20. Great fish.
  21. You guys are making me cry!!!!
  22. I left a message for them. Hopefully they'll call back soon. Sorry.
  23. I am not 100% sure I follow but if I do here is how mine is wired. On the bow there is a little rectangle box where my plug in goes. it's a 35 amp plug like that last link. I tried to find 50 amp plug ins with no success. My mechanic said it would be fine. From that plug in the main power to the batteries (then to the 40 amp fuses) is 6 guage wire. My trolling motor is an minn kota 70lb and it ran fine yesterday. If I didn't understand you correctly, sorry just trying to help. ;D
  24. It's wired up correctly now. I need to add more screws to the trolling motor bracket now though because on 5 it 'bucks' the bracket pretty good. Because of where the original was we only had to drill one hole, but it's only being held down by 3 bolts. I need to add some more! lol Engine runs great too!
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