Me and my buddy Eric decided on a quick afternoon sesh today.. My usual spot got shot out when they sprayed the vegetation so after a morning of scouting on google earth, I found what looked to be a decent spot well off the beaten path.. It was a 3 mile paddle in.. Glad we went though.. We kept bent rods the whole way up the canal on rage toads and pop frogz, mostly dinks, but there were several 2-3lbers in the mix and we even got a decent double up..
We paddled as far as we could get and beached the yaks and it was another mile walk or so to the piece of real estate I was scoping out on the satelitte imagery this morning.. We didn't set the world on fire but I did manage my biggest bass to date.. No scale or tape, I was guessing maybe 8lbs or so.. Eric landed a decent one but he had one as big or bigger than mine shake off on the rage toad.. We didn't kill em but it was still a blast and I finally managed to stick a decent one..