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Everything posted by dallasdb

  1. Boulder County has a ton of great options for bass fishing. Where do you live?
  2. NICE!!!
  3. Start throwing craw patterns!
  4. How about this one! I hit a log or something submerged and set the hook thinking it was a bite. This guy found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. He ended up swimming away but I doubt he lasted long.
  5. I've never seen a 60" bass!!! Nice bag!!! Time to get a crappy spare cooler.
  6. Increased hookups... increased hangups too
  7. The kids were fishing using 1/4" piece of nightcrawler under a bobber and were killing the little sunfish and this guy.
  8. #YOLO and his .5 lb increments is cracking me up. Are you sure it was 8.5 and not 8.75? And the other one you say is 7.5 are you sure it wasn't 8.25? Not making fun it just gave me a chuckle. I've never heard anyone estimate in increments besides whole lbs. Anyways, thanks for the chuckle.
  9. That is a reel good looking setup OP!!! Here is the monster I caught recently.
  10. The proceeds were going to be donated to charity. Sucks if his "fans" jacked up the bidding and bailed. I saw his other reels all went for ~$300-500.
  11. Not sure how many of you guys saw this but it appears Jon B. (Fishing the Midwest) sold one of his reels for $9,500 on ebay. Seems fishy (pun intended) to me. Looking at the bidding history a lot of bidders have little to no feedback scores. Proceeds went to charity but I wonder if this one really sold. What do you guys think? Ebay link and screenshot: http://www.ebay.com/itm/182238350273?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649 YouTube video:
  12. HECK YES! Frog fishing can't be missed it's too much fun
  13. I went to Cabela's and they didn't have a single whopper plopper The guy didn't even know what I was talking about. He had to look it up on the computer and they were all out.
  14. Carp are shy. If you start tossing at them they'd likely swim away. I haven't your same experience. I've seen bass blowing up and just after carp sucking stuff off the surface.
  15. I have been debating buying one as well. This confirmed I AM going to pick one up. What size and color do you guys that use them recommend? What line type and lb test do you use on it? I'd hate to lose a ~$16 lure running the wrong line
  16. D'oh!!!
  17. Thanks for all the responses. The consensus seems to be, unless you are throwing into open water line color probably doesn't matter. And if you're trying to get a reaction strike, line color probably doesn't matter either.
  18. NOW THIS makes sense. I don't usually do things just because everyone is doing it I need to understand it and honestly it needs to make sense why I'm doing something before I do it. I don't like doing things blindly. Thanks for all the responses so far!
  19. I feel so special having Glenn comment on my thread! Long Island Basser, The problem with hi-vis line... a lot of places don't have a good variety of hi-vis line in stock. Usually just one or two brands of hi-vis and sometimes they don't even have the lb test you want in the yardage you want! Online shopping alleviates this but sometimes you want new line before a last minute trip. I picked up red braid because it was 40% off. Interested to see how hi-vis it will be compared to yellow.
  20. I have hi-vis yellow on my spinning setup but I always have a fluoro leader. Purchasing green braid is useless as in the color doesn't help with the visibility or you just prefer having the hi-vis line?
  21. Bass Turd, That makes a little more sense. I'm wondering who came up with the idea of using a sharpie on braided line.
  22. Keith, I've seen several people mention it in threads and even saw Andrew Flair showing how to do it and he just colored the entire line the last 2-3 feet. Camo makes more sense to me but I've never heard anyone but you describe it like that. Thanks
  23. I've seen this "tip" several times, "When fishing braid without a leader, use a sharpie to blacken the last few feet of line to make it less visible for the fish." This makes absolutely no sense to me. Wouldn't a fish be able to see something black a lot better than say the "moss green" braided line?!? Something darker than the color of water would be a lot more pronounced than something more naturally blending in with the stained water. Can someone please explain the reasoning behind the sharpie trick? Thanks. -Dallas
  24. WOW. That is a great deal!
  25. The Aetos is $100?!?!? That's one of my favorite rods.
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