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Lady Bass

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Everything posted by Lady Bass

  1. Thanks Raul..I'll look into that and see what I come up with..I did think of back pack but changed my mind on that.I really don't need to take that much gear when I fish.I learned last year less is better when your walking the lake.
  2. I KNOW THAT feeling about the shakes.thats why I had to cut down alot.two cups is good for me now..no side effects and I only drink my coffee black.
  3. I have been into bike ridiing lately.bought a new women's Fury mountain climbling Roadmaster sport sx.really a sharp looking bike.I love to ride.anyone down my way interested in biking with me.let me know.I'm trying to get my fishing gear attached somehow to the bike.any ideas??a basket would make my sick look pretty *****.
  4. I try and limit my coffee in the morning to two cups..my man buys maxwell House all the time but I really prefer Folgers!
  5. it's that time again for my steelers!!!..doing pretty well I would say. GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  6. Hi Andy..wow nice catch.! ..
  7. I'm a animal lover and this makes me sick to my stomach.I don't care who he is.you don't even want to know what I would do to him. >
  8. my dog only goes to the vets and to the groomers once in a while.I can't take him out in public around other people or to a lake..he's out of control and barks at everything he see's in sight..including snow falling he has issues with snow.he is 12 years old and considered a senior citizen according to the vet.we took him to a halloween party at pet smarts one year and we had to leave he upset all the dogs in the store and it was awful.all the dogs wanted to fight with each other.he's better right at home.
  9. When I have time I go to one VeRy different board which is not fishing.
  10. my suggestions:the board colors are ok..but there sorta dull looking when I first see the board..a change of colors would be a nice try guys!and the spell check I have it on another board where I go and it's more of a pain then any good..it takes longer to make a post.
  11. This is the kinD of cat I WANT IF ANY.!..LYNX.
  12. I got a 21 on my first try and 24 on my third try.
  13. ..nice name
  14. Nope! I didn't go today, to much to do around the house. Maybe tomorrow, work is slow this week. yeah I know what you mean.. but when the holidays roll around work will slow up.we are slow to with our businesses.it's just that time of the year when most people are holiday shopping.
  15. your cat is nice to Bass fisherman.what did you name your cat?
  16. Did you catch anything today Andy?
  17. you have a nice cat there LBH.
  18. what shore we're you fishing??I'm hanging up my rod until next season.I'll miss it and just have patience and wait until spring rolls around again.
  19. My youngest son who is 14 had saved up $430.00 by doing grass cutting jobs and odd jobs this past year around the house for his x-box live.he loves it and has just bought call of Duty 3.which he saved for that one to.the other games Dylan and his older brother Adam play are Halo 1 and 2,Ghost Ricon, Oblivion and Dead rising.now halo 3 will be out next spring I believe.but my sons have also had other game systems growng up,Ninedo 64,Gamecube,ps1.Plus all the hand held games.the money invested in those game systems and all the games are unbelievable.but over all I think x-box live has the best graphics ever and alway's will.
  20. wow..thank-you guys for all the responses and advise in this thread. it's much appreciated more the you know. and like my dear father alway's told me..''take one day at a time'' and that's what I will do and I know god is with me at all times no matter what happens.
  21. This is crazy..he's 46 and every girl he see's he stares like there's no tomorrow and then laugh's. He did that open house last night at the highschool.. and I told him to behave and stop it. I have over looked it for some time but now it's getting way to much. I'm not jealous or a fat hog either..but if the shoe was on the other foot he would have a fit. He's jealous but won't show it in front of me. It's just so hard to deal with. So is this just a phase at his age or what?? I know this board is 90% guys but is there anyone of you who is a counsellor in in this field beside's fishing and can help me before I lose my mind.
  22. you are way to young to be going out on a date if that's what your trying to do.you have plenty of years ahead to find a nice girl.I have a son who is a sophmore in highschool and he could care less about girls right now..he's thinking college and that's the way he wants it.the other boy is 14 and in 8th grade and the girls won't leave him alone..he's a little different and like the girls but we tell him no dating unitil highschool and then we'll cross that bridge when we come to that.but for now he can go to school dances and just be friends.he is a wrestler and is in three bands in school and makes terrific grades.. we tell him the school work comes first and just be friends with the girls and see them in school only. ..good luck !
  23. Thanks Glenn..I don't think I have powerpoint but I'll check and see.
  24. when I get a hangover the night before the next day is so screwed up..I just want to sleep and eat soup all day.
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