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Gotta Love It

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About Gotta Love It

  • Birthday 04/10/1974

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    Tampa, Florida

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  1. ...LOL! hope he is not the jealus type! If you want the guys to pay attention to the fish....dont post the girl!!!! LOL! I see several fish with that same/similar eye problem. Someone told me it is most likely damage from having been caught before. I do not know how true that is. There are pics of fish in this thread??? Where??? ;D
  2. Welcome back Ed! We missed you, Earl, Tina, Vinny, Grandma... ;D
  3. That is a beautiful fish!!!
  4. Nice fish!!! Bet they tasted good!!!
  5. Yep! I would fire up the engine... my life is more important!
  6. I live in the lightning capitol of the world! Messing around with lightning isn't fun! No matter how good the fishing is... I would rather live to see tomorrow!
  7. Sorry for your loss. My wife had her Coach purse stolen out of her car at the gym. Credit cards, check books, everything... The worst part is the broken window which cost me $200 to replace. The purse, wallet, and check book covers I had to replace (my wife still hasn't told me what that cost). And the amount of time cancelling accounts, getting new credit cards and being worried about identity theft. Criminals SUCK!
  8. Hey Muddy... that wasn't my wife, that was my sister (and my momma)! Sorry if we messed up your fishin! Those bobbers were on clearance at Kmart. Can you say "BLUE LIGHT SPECIAL"? And for the record, we did offer you 2 Bud lights to fish your 5 spots!
  9. Nice fish!
  10. I agree with RW! Nice fish though! Next time remember the scale...
  11. I've witnessed bedding bass attack ducks feeding around their bed (I think that is what the ducks were doing?). The duck would submerge it's head under water and eat something off the bottom and the bass would swim full force into the duck's head. Funny part was the duck got whacked 3 times before it moved further down the bank. Another time... same lake, I witnessed a bass following a mother duck and it's ducklings. The bass sucked down one of the small ducklings (looked like a toilet flushed under the duckling) and the mother duck never noticed the little one disappeared.
  12. mattm... is that copperhead dead? looks like it has a broken neck?
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