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Everything posted by Sean_e_bus_21

  1. yupp will always be remembered for his part in brokeback mountian in which he won a grammy... but seriouly he had ever thing going for him very selfish... i feel bad for his family :'( Sean
  2. Where can some-one find and buy balsa wood to make lures? how much does it ussaly cost? Any help would be apperciated Sean
  3. Just went to the store yesterday with my dad and he bought me a brand spanking new BC combo The reel is the Team Daiwa Advantage and the rod is the Quantum PT (not the signature series) all together i luff it : Sean
  4. Hey we are almost there! Sean
  5. YEP I guess we will have to throw into the creek now
  6. hands down, nothing beats dressing like robber trying to discise himself as a couch.
  7. Hey guys First off... THANKS A TON!!! You guys really know how to make a fellow's day. Seccondly, I have two acounts on this forum, one older one that I forgot my password too, and this one. I just checked my PMs and I have no new messages. You probaly sent the PM to my other acount. If so, please resend to this one. (that goes for everyone who might have PMed me in the last month) Sorry for the confusion. Thanks alot once again! You guys are the real deal. Sean
  8. i am so surprised that shogun lost to forrest Griffin he had to hold on for what 14 seconds shogun is supposedbe to number one fighter in UFC.....and on top of that Shogun kicked the crap out of rampage Jackson he knocked him outin like 1 min. thats who Griffin is going to have face for the title....Liddel shuold just give up he was toatlly dominated by Jardine with the kick punch combos........Crazy night ;D Sean
  9. i was seaching around and looking at some bucktail jigs... i want to start throwing them..... i was wondering if any really works Bucktail jigs... if so which company makes the best ..... and how to fish them.....i uasally fish muddy waters which colors works produce the most fish in these circumstances Thanks Sean
  10. yea thanks it a gREAT combo it all came to about 330$ with a little saving of money from my b-day(170$) and a little mooching from my aunt(130$) and the monney was obatained i am really happy Sean
  11. i just got the last part of my new BC comboit arrived last fridayit was an Abu Garcia STX-HS it was shipped from Brad-Coovert on the forums forr 170 Great price i put this reel on a Kistler Graphite Pro T-riging rod and lined the reel with Yo-zuri hybrid.......it is a sweet reel i just love the orange spool and how frictionless the cast are. i will post pics of the combo later on my friends comp. because mine is disfuncional Sean
  12. what a great answer couldnt say better myself ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Sean
  13. check out some of the fishing articles about senkos they really helped me when i first started................ i mostly rig them texas rig..........good luck with em' Sean
  14. i once was fishing by my self and thought it would be a good idea to take a number two in a tree so nobody would see me if they came walking by........... but i forgot that what comes out is going to be on the ground and the guy and his kid came walking down the trail and his kid seen the defication on the ground and when they looked up in the tree low and behold their was sean in the tree with my cheeks hanging out :-[......what could i do i couldnt get down so they laughed and went walking down the trail...........i wiped the natrual way got my stuff and bounced Sean
  15. Sure file mob put ur dukes up ;D ;D ;D ;D Sean
  16. the last one on the spinnerbiat is very plump.........nice fish very healthy Sean
  17. im in...........yea listen to file mob stay away from LT (i want him ;D) SEan
  18. My friend once had an Oscar for like 10yrs maybe more and would eat anything even your finger if you stick it in there belive me i done it before anit that dandy Sean
  19. Welcme to the forums......... i found that working worms on a spinning reel jams up andknots up on me so that was my experince with fireline so now i use powerpro Sean
  20. hah thats great......... i was looking it up on youtube and l;ike 100rds of songs came up so if any of you hip hop harry lovers want more just search it Sean P.S. Hookem lets see you do the harry ;D HAH
  21. thanks alot all and SAM............. great words of wisdom i hope that happens i planning on going fishing either tommrrow after i babysit again :-/ but i will get cash to buy fishing things or deffentilly on sunday i will be on the water Sean
  22. thanks big ONE SIX SEAN
  23. shows these days this is one of the shows my niece was watching this mornig called hip hop harry its redonctonculitis( i made that word up) http://youtube.com/watch?v=14_1qsOk_Ps i cnat even stand it for the frist 20 seconds Sean
  24. i cant even go fishing on my birthday because iu have to baby sit my nieceand i have football later today so i kinda wnated to go fishing but i can scratch that out of my schedule > :'( Sean
  25. hey thanks for your suggestions am not yet decideed on which rod im going to put it on i like David G's rods they look top notch and i also like those G-loomis's idk :-? Sean
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