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About orey10m

  • Birthday 08/07/1990

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. I'm surprised more people haven't replied to this yet. Its a good way to tell your whole story. Anyway, I started fishing when I was tiny, I'm only 16 now but whatever. I think I caught my first bass when I was probably around 3 or 4, and my first Striper was probably when I was about 10. SO as you can see, I've been fishing all my life. In that regards, I don't think fishing has really changed my life, because it has and always will be there. Fortunately, fishing remains fun to me...nothing more. I fish an occasional tournament here and there but I enjoy the adventures, stories, and rewards, like friendships. As a matter of fact, that guy senko77, you might've heard of him, was mainly introduced to Largemouth fishing by my father and I. Go figure. The friendships I have with Ryan and my other fishing buddies are unique and thats what makes them great. Not that I have an incredibly stressful life, but I like to fish to relax. Senko77 and my Dad will account for the statement that I just "don't care." I know the post count doesn't show it, but don't get me wrong, I am a very experienced fisherman. I honestly don't keep up with too many trends and news in fishing. I do think that technology and other advancements in tackle, boating etc. have improved my fishing abilities, but I'm definitely not the first one to hear about something new. k thats about it....
  2. Black/Chart 1/2 ounce Rat-L-Trap
  3. I agree that the jitterbug is a great night topwater. However other lures are much more efficient in grass. The hollow frogs, horny toads, and buzzbaits would all be a better choice for grassy night fishing. While a Sammy, Spook or Jitterbug would be more for open water. There's an OLD pond near where I live that is on a golf course. Well you know what that means; no fishing allowed. Of course there are huge fish in here, and we know people that try to fish it. So there's big fish, no pressure, but you have to sneak in. Me and senko77 decided that the best time to try this would be in the middle of the night. The lake is so grassy that the only lures you can throw are topwaters or senkos. And yes, the topwaters work very well there. shhhhhh....don't tell.
  4. I had a guy try to tell me today that there are Shoal bass in Lake Lanier. Maybe there are a few here and there from the rivers, but I've never thought that Shoalies lived in abundance in Lanier. Any clarification would be greatly appreciated.
  5. We've planted pvc brush before and just left it alone. I can't really help you with getting fish to the brush. However I have heard that transporting fish is illegal, like BaitMS said, atleast in Georgia. Any of you southerners wonder how they got BlueBack Herring in Lake Lanier? People put 'em there. :-/
  6. I caught a LMB at 40ft throwing a popper. The deepest I have fished though is 70 feet or so at lanier spooning.
  7. My dad wheres cocoons too. Hes got the same deal, Rx glasses and he needs polarized shades so he has to have some that fit over them. Hehe, the funny thing is he got the brand COCOONS because he saw Ish Monroe advertising for them.. he used to just have big wal-mart ones. Nice fish man, i wish it was still warm enough for some days like that just a little north of Florida. I know, it aint that cold
  8. Hey, I just wrote this post about the mojo charm but it would have given away who has it :-X Then i read MuddyMan's post and realized i shouldn't post it so nvm, ha. Y'all frozed up north yet?
  9. Welcome, Man thats a piglet nice fish
  10. Most of the ponds with boat access around here close at dark. So I'll fish from after school till dark or on the weekends from before noon to dark. I guess we could get 11 hours of daylight fishing in.
  11. Congratulations on that nice fish man. I'd take one anyday! But whats up with that lake behind you? is it really down, or just has humps in it or what?
  12. Hey Hey Went fishing today at Stone Mountain w/o much luck. It is definitely turning over. The lake was real muddy, visibility was maybe a 1.5 feet - 2 feet. I had my new depthfinder on my boat though so that was fun, but i could tell that the water was messed up because there were bubbles EVERYWHERE, and thermocline and all kinds of good stuff. So this of course, effected our fishing. We only caught 3, mine was the biggest ;D. If Randall reads this I'm sure he'll say I should have gone up the left arm at the top of the lake. We fished trick worms(jighead, splitshot), my friend threw a small crankbait and we spooned some too. Well thats about it, thanks guys.
  13. My friend and I always talk about sinking some brushpiles, because we usually catch fish on brush piles. Whether natural or man-made, we know they hold fish. Its really funny though cause everytime we talk about sinking one, we get distracted or don't really think we have the best materials or whatever. So we say, "oh, we'll just wait till we get some good wood and cement ," lol. I'm glad about this thread though because it answered some of the other questions we have. I still have a question though, how do yall transport the wood to the spot on the water? Just put your limbs and junk in your boat, launch it, and take off?
  14. Biscuits and sausage gravy...MMMM boy! hhaha. Can't wait to see some pictures, good job.
  15. sounds familiar, haha just kidding. That is a true test with those weather conditions!
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