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Everything posted by pickerelpiney

  1. duh i am kidding about the scotch.......................................................................................
  2. thats some pickeral. nice catch. definitly a fun catch at that size.
  3. they look like fun to catch. hope they "invade" some of my lakes.
  4. heres my groom friend eating his.
  5. Just got back from my buddies wedding. did a one day fishing expo at blue cypress lake. no boat so we fish the lagoons around the fish camp with some minnows while sipping some scotch in the sun. yummy.
  6. being in cahrge is the best. i too have my own company but i usually drag employees along as partners. they dont complain. ;D
  7. Left work early today with my co worker to do some fishing from shore at the only deep lake around. Pulled out two in the two pond reange on a shad lure thing and one in the darker hours with a green camoflouge tiki worm with a weight i usually use for catfishing on the head. Really windy and cold but found a nice spot to get these guys.
  8. i wanna go to croatia.
  9. I was wondering if anyone out there has ever heard of or tried to use a slug a live bait. I am going to try it out by texas rigging one and using it like a senko or something along those lines. I dont know how i am going to get all the slime off my hands. If I have any success i will be sure to let you guys know.
  10. New Jersey once held the WR for Picks at like 9 something. Nice fish! Wait till i catch the new record.
  11. That s me, i m the one with the dumb look cause i cant beleive how big these babies are getting.
  12. how would you react in anyother life threatening situation. fight or flight. hes doing something that could kill you, get aggressive and tell him to knock it off or your gonna bust his face in.
  13. i would really like their popularity to rise. A great fish. there is a pickerel tournament that abiker bar in the pines hosts every year in march. any one in jersey interested in it. It would be nice to have a lrge turnout and drive the pot up. win some real dough like the pros. ;D i will be posting more on the tournament when the time is right. Rolo if u read this, come back up to jersey and enter this tournament and get back to your pickerel roots.
  14. sand plants baby
  15. wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee thats a nice fish
  16. i have no idea... i'd say around five pounds. My buddy dan caught this one right after i got done telling him how big they've been lately. Look at how big the head was on this thing. scred me as it surfaced in frint of us. Wish the pic was better though, this guy had cahin markings all the way around the top of his head. beautiful fish. He really doubled the ol ugly stick in half.
  17. this is the beast my friend dan caught. i held it while he snapped the shot. it bit on a blue fox inline spinner. some cheepy from walmart.
  18. went out fishing instead of working. my friend dan caught this one on a green pumkin senko from the bottom. followed up by a huge pickerel( see other fish species for pic. i caught nothing.
  19. i use senkos all summer long. They are so versatile i almost never use my good lures cause they always get stuck. First off, texas rig it. A really nice retrive for these are a steady retrieve with the rod tip pointed at the ground off to one side and bounce the tip away from the senko with each reel crank. it will make the worm dart foward and to one seide, like walking the dog, but underwater. looks like scared bait fish. U can also fish the bottom with them like a jig. slow retrieve and make it twitch on the bottom. And if you have an extra pole sitting around while your doing that, try hooking a senko through the middle so it dangles off both sides and put a bobber on the line about 20" up. "Rubber worm on a bobber you say?" works everytime. I literally catch bass and pickerel on them all day, i just change the colrs depending on what lake i am at. They account for 90% of my fish this year. Also try
  20. well if mercury isnt enough to deter jersey anglers how about this... there are hidden nuclear missile silo sites hidden throughout nj and one happens to be in the pinebarrens off of rt. 539 chatsworth. These silos are underground and are disguised as barracks. There was a fire in one of the silos one day and the military geniuos flooded the chamber with hundreds of thousands of gallons of water. then they discovered that the missile was damaged and had leaked radiation into the4 ground water through a rack in the walls of the silo. how did they handle this situation? They poureed a four foot thick slab of concrete over the area and covered it up. The gentleman who divulged this information was gathering evedence on this in the eighties, photos, airial shots etc. His wife burned all the evidence on him beacuse she feared for his life. His brother worked in similar missile silos in another region of the counrty and was about to release a book on the top secret doings he had worked and things related to the cover up, but they found him dead in a field with a gunshot to the back of the head. this is a true story. so dont eat the fish.
  21. thats a sweet fish. wish i had pond like that. congrats
  22. heres the dink
  23. went out today to the manasquan resevoir. Didnt catch a thing and left after an hour or so. My fishing buddy caught mike caught a 2 lber. Then we hit up a little retention basin that has a lot of nice bass. this whole thing is maybe 2 ft deep all the way across with the bottom covered in thick vegetation. usually its like shooting fish in barrel. only managed to get a dink b 4 i had to be back at the house. better than nothing.
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