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Blake Riggs

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Everything posted by Blake Riggs

  1. Thinking about the duckett 7ft crank rod for a cheap crank rod what are your thoughts, and could I throw other things besides cranks on it if so what?
  2. I'm looking for a crankbait rod for cheap. I don't crank that much but I want the option too, any suggestions
  3. Can they affect the bass
  4. There are two or three carp in the pond that I fish in and the fishing has been tough for a year or two now. I was wondering if the carp had anything to do with it because I herd the fishing used to be great in there.
  5. In Alabama muddy water is all their is and I've never fished a pre spawn here before. does anyone have some tips and techniques for me?
  6. I'm looking for a bargain website for rods and reels. Do y'all know some?
  7. I want an all purpose rod and I was wandering if this one could be it. I know it can throw jigs and stuff but can it throw reaction type lures? The one I'm looking at is a casting 7" MH , fast action , micro guide.
  8. I want an all purpose rod that I can throw anything on. The veritas is good for cranks and stuff I know but I don't know about jigs, Texas rigs, ect. What do y'all think?
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