Im going to take advantage on being the first person to post on the message board. I am looking for help from all my fellow fisherman and fisherwoman. I live in upstate Ny which is home to some great public fishing waters. Anyone that I take fishing from out of state, they always say the same thing... you are blessed to have such great fishing. Which leads to my reason for the post. There is a nationally known stream off Lake Ontario (Oak Orchard Creek) if any of you have fished there you know why its nationally known. Well in the past few years there has been a growing concern about keeping the stretch of fly fishing water open to the public. The is a land owner that has posted 2 large islands on the creek which cuts the stretch of fishing water almost in half. This land owner has leased this section of the creek to a un-licesened "guide", his goons and him patrol this land while their clients fish "private water". I have been fly fishing for 4 years now and every year they post a little more land. Orleans County Legislature fielded comments and concerns about the public fishing access on Oak Orchard River. These comments from local stakeholders, local fishermen and out of the area fishermen were heard at two separate regular Legislative meetings in January . The Legislature recognizes the importance of the issue and has already devoted much effort towards a solution. The Orleans County Legislature reported at the last regular meeting that they are "actively engaged in negotiations" and are "optimistic" at a resolution beneficial to everyone. Support for public fishing access on Oak Orchard River can come from anyone, including perhaps most importantly, out of the area fishermen who travel to fish the Oak Orchard River. If you ever have fished or plan on fishing Oak Orchard, Please see the following E-petition that will be presented to the Orleans County Legislature as a way to document out of the area support for public fishing access on the Oak Orchard River. Everyones support can help