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  1. I have a setup similar to this. X-135 in bow and 334ci in the console. A couple things I have found. I really like the color screen much easier to read than the BW. I don't like having to drop rod and run to console when I want to mark a spot on the GPS.
  2. I was recently ejected from my boat. I can't begin to tell you how fast it happened. I was wearing my pfd as was my passenger. I will be wearing my at all times from now on. Make sure you use all the buckles and straps on the vest. I only had one buckled and I came partly out of the vest when I hit the water. Water temp was 58 and was very lucky there was another boater nearby. You maybe a big strong person but the weight of clothes and water temp will suck the energy out of you very quickly. Find a vest you like and wear it all the time. Consider it peice of mind for your loved ones if not yourself.
  3. I have the 334 with internal antennae. I heard a lot of whining about these units but when push came to shove I wasn't ready to punch a hole in my new boat. That and it fit nicely in the dash of my boat. To be honest I haven't had any problems with it. Once it locks I've never had it lose a lock while fishing all day. I use it out in the CA Delta and the GPS is great for getting around and going back to places you've been before. The GPS in my estimation is accurate to within 10ft.
  4. Big_Slab, I have a Lowrance 334ic unit. It is a very nice unit. It is the same as the 332c only the 334 has an internal antennae. I heard a lot of negatives about the internal units not locking on or dropping sattelites. I have not had any issues in that regard. When it came down to it I just didn't want to cut a hole in my new boat. The maps that come with these units do not have the depth contours for the lakes so you can expect to buy a map cartridge for the unit if you want the details. I was able to get some maps for my area so I haven't invested in a cartridge yet. The GPS is pretty accurate but not perfect. I like being able to download my trails and waypoint to the cartridge and then load it on my pc and go back over several trips and plan my next trip. One downside is the documentation for the unit. The book is very thick and unless you like reading manuals well you know. I had my unit for several months and went to a seminar where a Lowrance rep was demoing units, I learned several yhings about my uit that day that frankly I don't think I could have found in the book. On the plus side they have emulators for all their units that you can download to your pc ans try them out before you buy. Good luck.
  5. Good luck and welcome to the site.
  6. So how did you do?
  7. I would echo what fourbizzle said. Be prepared to try different things. If you got em have three to four rigs ready to go with different baits. Also don't forget to move. Things change very quickly in the delta so if things aren't wrking where you are move.
  8. If you read the entire thread there is also detailed descriptions on doing it through the mouth. I would use whichever method you are comfortable with.
  9. Here is a link to a thread on WesternBass.com that explains it and how to do it. http://www.westernbass.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=16830&highlight=swim+bladder
  10. Nice lets see some pics. Won't be long before you'll be making baits for Matt.
  11. My Triton SF-188 that I bought in June. A great all around boat. Been to Clear Lake, Berryessa, Folsom and CA Delta. I can't say enough about this boat.
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