Ok, so I have a Chihuahua... it's still bigger than my dog!! ROFL
It was an odd day... at first no bass hitting. Then, a dink... then, a couple of decent keeper bass (each one a good dinner for one person by itself) and they were hitting wacky 4" senkos on a FAST retrieve???
I was retrieving quickly after thinking I was out of the strike zone and one tried to ****** the senko in a topwater strike, so I paused and then moved it again and he nailed it topwater!! If there is a goofy, bass-ackward way to do someting, I'll find it!
In the heat of the day it had gone dead... so I went to the beaver huts to check for a little fun crappie action. Action was so hot that I tested myself to see how fast I could boat a dozen. I hit the stopwatch and boated 12, plus around 7 that got off, in 12 min 39 seconds. But the last one wasn't a crappie... it was a 9" dink bass that hit the crappie jig!
So, I tossed the senko again. First one was a super dark colored, nearly black, 9" dink bass. Then things seemed to go dead... so I did a fan pattern around the banks in that area.
Considering all of the ways I've seen 4" wacky rig senkos hit, I devised a retrieve to combine all of them. Cast, wait 30 seconds on slack line... pulse back halfway to the boat to swim the seko with kicking "frog legs"... let it fall and wait 30 seconds by my watch and then pulse back to the boat.
On the 3rd cast, I had finished the 2nd 30 second wait period and started to pulse back again. On the second pulse, she hit:
When she hit, I thought I was snagged on a tree...
When she moved, I looked at the dog and cursed that I had caught another snapping turtle by the way it felt...
When she did a short tail walk, I nearly soiled my shorts...
When boating her, she felt like 12 lbs...
The chain stringer barely made it around the nearest gill slit and the fit made me nervous, so I lifter her back out of the water and put her in a cooler filled with water (and the act of doing that broke the clasp on the stringer)...
3 witnesses at the boat ramp exclaimed she was a "Giant"...
The state attendant at the park said she was easily a citation...
One guy at the boat ramp said that she "dwarfed" another guy's 5 lb catch the day before, he estimated her at 11-13 lbs...
A fist does fit in her mouth, and my hands are not small since I used to drill concrete for a living with a 2 handed roto-hammer...
When I got her to an official station, she came in at 21 inches and ONLY 5 lb 2 oz ?!?!?!??!?!? :-/ :'( :-/
Even the person weighing the fish didn't believe it. So, we got another scale and it was the same result... I didn't measure the girth.
My room mate took a pic with me holding the dog in one hand and the fish in the other. I'll have a jpg of it later today and will be posting it.
Vorlin / Scott