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Andrew the Design Student

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  1. Hey guys! Well, I finished the project, and I just wanted to say thank you all so much for your feedback. It was really helpful and definitely helped guide the design of this product. One side-note-I didn't have time to add something for pliers, but if i did more design work on this concept, that'd be one of the first things I'd address. Thanks again guys! Check out some sketches and the final concept on my Facebook page. Have a great day! Andrew https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1326404447373200&set=pcb.1326410504039261&type=3&theater
  2. Would you mind posting a photo of one. I googled "fire extinguisher tag covers," but didn't find much.
  3. https://issuu.com/andrewkeel/docs/lurebox1/1
  4. Try the link. If it does't work, let me know. Thanks. And sorry I tried to scan the sketch at the lowest resolution I could but the file size was still too large.
  5. Hey guys!! I'm back. Sorry for the wait, but here we are. See the attached below. If you have time: Please read this and vote on which one you think would be the best (pick #1 or #2). Keep in mind that this would be for a trip where you only wanted to take a couple lures with you, and that you might have more than one of these "lure boxes" on your belt/waistband. Thanks guys! Andrew Try the link below: (the site wouldn't let me attach a picture that'd have enough detail for y'all to use. Sorry). https://drive.google.com/a/ncsu.edu/file/d/0B0Sl9BpJ2JqJVlo2bDhZT1duLUk/view?usp=sharing
  6. Cool! Thanks you guys so much for your feedback! I really appreciate it, and will be incorporating it into my project. Do y'all mind if I post newer iterations in the future for your review? Thanks again guys! Andrew
  7. Hello all, I'm a college student at NC State University studying industrial design. For a project, I'm redesigning a tackle box. One of the ideas I'm exploring is to have a smaller pouch or box that you could clip onto your belt, which would carry a couple lures and hooks, in case you were going out and didn't want to take your whole tackle box with you. From your experiences, would you find this useful, or are there other aspects of tackle boxes that need redesigning? Thanks! Andrew
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