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Everything posted by bentron

  1. I didn't have a trailer the other day so i just cut a baby brush hog in half and cut vs in the little fins. Actually worked quite well.
  2. SOT all day. Endless rigging options and just a lot better suited for fishing.
  3. What does your chatter bait set up consist of?
  4. Thanks for the info! While the cheap one semi work i am just tired of the terrible color selection. Academy loves chartreuse and honestly i'm not the biggest fan.
  5. Anyone have any experience with Peppers custom lures spinner baits? I'm looking to pick up some new spinner baits and ran across this brand. I have been buying super cheap store brand spinners for the past few years and I want to buy something that is actually quality for once. Any info is appreciated.
  6. The Bass Pro backpacks actually aren't that bad, I wasn't a believer until i tried my roommates and I then picked one up, perfect for bank fishing.
  7. Ribbon tail cause i have never been good at wacky rigging and seem to just end up losing most of the sinkos i've bought.
  8. well the bait monkey waited to whisper until i was browsing Costas website by the time I knew what was happening I was clicking place order and my bank account was a little closer to zero. Ended up with some Cortez green mirror 580G, worth every penny.
  9. I purchased a pair of Costa Del Mar Brines (blue mirror, 580P) about a year ago , I love them and wear them daily very good fro driving and harsh sunny days the only down fall may be the smaller lens size for fishing, I recently purchased a pair of cortezs (green mirror, 580G) for fishing as the bigger lens covers more of the eye and allows for a wider field of view, but it is really up to you. I own three pairs of costas and personally think they are the best glasses on the planet.
  10. I procured some milk crates that I stack in the corner of my closet, I use gallon bags to keep everything in order in the crates.
  11. I recently went to my favorite fishing hole in my old neighborhood, haven't been there in a few years due to school, and I discovered the same lack of vegetation except it looked like die had been added to the water to give it a blue tint. Its very sad to see that some people just cant deal with vegetation and green water.
  12. I stopped by the Lake Fork Tackle Pro Shop a few days ago and was not easy on the wallet, sorry no pics as it was put to use that day.
  13. Maybe 5 years, but sadly the list of plastics i want keeps growing so that number will do the same.
  14. Branches and line. I must be doing something wrong because i have never caught any rods!
  15. I know its a little late but, Both pairs of costas i have purchased are a little tight at first and gave me headaches until the frame is stretched out a bit. Usually after a day or two of wear.
  16. Jigs and Z Hogs for flipping and spinner baits for everything else
  17. sounds good ill have to try some out, Where is best place to buy?
  18. Whats a good quality brand y'all recommend picking up?
  19. so it seems i need to worry less about the paint and more about actually having enough to fish with!
  20. Ive recently been learning to fish jigs so I picked up an assortment of strike king football and hack attack jigs to practice and perfect the art with, but i have noticed after a week or so that a few of the jigs show heavy wear on the head, chips of paint missing and big chunks of bare lead exposed. Should this be happening? I expect some wear and tear on a lure that is dragged and hopped across the bottom, but i expected a little more than a week before major chips appeared. On one of the hack attack jigs my 3rd cast with it tied on yielded a chip. Am i being to picky or paranoid? Thanks for any help/ advice!
  21. P-Line Floroclear, pretty much all i use.
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