a. Will you be fishing by yourself or do you need a two person boat?
- Id like a 2 person.
b. Will you fish still water (ponds/lakes) or moving water? If moving water, is there any whitewater?
-Lakes and Ponds
c. How much weight capacity do you need? Are you a big fella or will you be packing a lot of gear?
-About 400lbs for 2 people.
f. Do you need a motor mount for a trolling motor? Some come with a mount, others can add a mount.
g. higher numbered denier is more durable than lower numbered denier fabric on the pontoons. If you're fishing moving water, go with high number denier (800-1200) or PVC outer bladder with nylon inner bladder.
-I'd like a troller but could handle paddling.
h. Check around with local fly fishing stores and guides. They know more about these boats that traditional anglers.
-Only have a Gander Mountain 30mins away. No locals.
I'm not much on the pontoon style. The ones I'm leaning towards are more inflatable raft types.