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Everything posted by IndianaFinesse

  1. I think he actually is serious, even though it seems kind of obvious. But I guess it isn't to the OP.
  2. You can catch them right after a cold front, they just move a little deeper and group up. Although the bass do get lethargic, if you slow down and find them you can catch quite a few. As far as when the bass return to normal is hard to guess, it depends on a lot of things, but it usually takes somewhere between two days and five days.
  3. That fish sure has some length on it! When I first saw the thread I thought that it was some one saying they got skunks with braid. I definitely agree about fish not usually caring about line visibility, the only time I use a leader is with the Ned rig because it gives it better action.
  4. I'm surprised they didn't melt at 400, but I am sure that line sitting in the lake water in your live well isn't any different than fishing with it in the same water.
  5. Not under any conditions is that worth the risk! They are both lucky to not have been thrown out by the first rock. And this is coming from a guy who will fish during fourty mph winds in a rainstorm/snow storm during winter, and who's favorite place to fish you have to bring an open carry gun so nobody messes with you.
  6. Six to seven pounds, but guessing from a picture is not very accurate.
  7. You should ask the boater how many rods you should bring. They usually give a number somewhere between three and seven. If the boater doesn't care, I usually bring five to avoid having so many rods that they are in the way and get accidentally broken.
  8. I use braid mostly for the extra sensitivity, and also because it cuts through grass so well. If you're worried about line visibility, use a flourocarbon leader, then you get the best parts about both lines?
  9. Another vote for the gulp minnows, they flat out catch panfish under a small float Then use the little bluegill for live bait.?
  10. Yes it can throw reaction lures, but a medium fast or medium action rod is usually better for them.
  11. I've done well with the lucky strike pointer and the Rick clunn jerkbaits. And they don't work quite as well as the pointers or the Rick clunn, but the suspending rattling rogue is a good budget jerkbait.
  12. No such thing as a surefire lure, but I would recommend the Ned rig, and if the water has at least two or three feet of visibility a jerkbait would be great.
  13. What's the water temperature?
  14. Nope I love my villain, especially because I only paid fifty for it.? Just don't try to swing anything over about a pound and a half, net them.
  15. It's never to cold to go fishing!? I would give fishing advice, but I don't know what area you live in or the water temperature.
  16. I live near a tiny town called Coatsville, but go into avon often.
  17. I should be out Saturday also, so see you then.
  18. I guess I will just have to show you the picture next time you are out fishing.
  19. A small reservoir west of Indianapolis.
  20. If I had to pick three rods, they would be : #1 6'10" medium-lite power, extra-fast action spinning rod for finesse stuff. #2 7'3" fast action, medium-heavy power casting rod for T-rigs, jigs, etc. #3 7' medium action, medium-heavy power casting rod for crankbaits, rattletraps, spinnerbait, etc. Don't worry about the specifics so much, just keep it simple. And unless you're loaded I would recommend getting some slightly cheaper rods or checking out FFO.
  21. Saw you at the avon taco bell two weeks ago.
  22. Yes, z-man sells a weedless jighead called the finesse shroomz weedless jighead. With the trd a mushroom style head works much better than a ballhead jig, it has a slower fall, comes through weeds better, and is less likely to snag in rocks.
  23. Yes, the z-man TRD. aka Ned rig.
  24. Try the trd, and if the current is to fast for a 1/15oz head, use a 1/6 or 1/8 oz jighead instead.
  25. Fished for about five hours this afernoon, and the fishing was even better than yesterday! Ended up with twelve total, with the biggest weighing 8.2 pounds! It took quite a while to get it in on the medium-lite rod and eight pound leader. So far that's my second biggest bass ever and the biggest bass I've caught in indiana. The rest of the bass were all really nice ones to, all three to four pounders except three dinks that ate a jerkbait. Everything including the 8.2 pounder was caught on the Ned rig fished with a drag and a very short deadstick retrieve. The fish were sitting just underneath docks with wood supports in four to eight feet of water. Surprisingly none of them were caught under docks with metal supports. I have a friend that went out to geist for some crappie to stock his freezer with. He limited out in an hour and a half using minnows two and a half feet down in four feet of water next to docks within a few feet of where they spawn.
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